The protagonist, Cadence is the eldest grandchild in the Sinclair family who gives us a view into the family. Harris Sinclair, the grandfather of Cadence owns the island and the four mansions, which he portioned and gave out to his daughters. All Sinclairs have strong square chins, servants, and more money than they need. The three older grandchildren are Cadence, Johnny, and Mirren. During summer eight, Gat came along. …show more content…
Like Gottschall said, “fiction seems to teach us to see the world through rose-colored lenses.” (3), by growing up with lots of fictional happy endings, we expect all fairy tales to end in a “good for everyone” way but in real life, there are no happy endings. There are no happy endings because there is no ending. All stories are somehow interconnected and continued after the supposed end. However, if kids watched dark, realistic fairy tales from the start, our entire society would look different. Ceridwen Dovey wrote in his article that “the ability to guess...what another human being might be thinking or feeling…[starts] to develop around the age of four”(3). So unemotional children would eventually turn into passive adults, leading to a cold