Strategic Development and Implementation
America, a nation which when it comes to cars has historically sided on the bigger is better side of the spectrum is being invaded by smaller, more economically conscious vehicles. Fiat has been manufacturing smaller for years, overseas in Europe, Brazil and even China. With the acquisition of the American made Automotive company Chrysler in 2009, Fiat has launch a marketing campaign to finally gain a hold in the American market. Is America ready for “Every Once in a while, something comes along so powerful in concept, so revolutionary in design, it redefines a generation – America, get ready for the one and only FIAT 500. Despite the American notion of fast muscle machines, there is a growing demand for the economically conscious vehicles. Rising cost for fuel and more demanding regulations for emissions will likely increase demand for the types of vehicles FAIT is providing and the new, leaner Chrysler is producing. The wave of hybrid models and fully electric vehicles already in FIAT''s stables may give FIAT the leverage it is seeking and hoping on, in the American market. Fabbrica Italianna Automobili Torino FIAT, was founded in Italy by a group of investors in 1899, most noticeably Giovanni Agenlli. The company was created as a automobile factory. By 1910, Fiat was Italy's largest automotive company, and the company has retained this status since. This was the same year that FIAT built its first plant in Poughkeepsie NY, though it lasted less than a decade. This wasn't the last attempt FIAT made to venture into the American.
Fiat's Environment
General Environment FIAT competes in over 80 countries and has distinguished itself as a automotive company capable of innovation. Though FIAT has created trucks and larger cars, the company has distinguished itself as a manufacturer of small customizable vehicles. Originally FIAT's general