Official Fiat 500 USA Commercial “Immigrants”
Advertisements in the form of TV or online video commercials have become an important marketing tool for companies aiming to target large audiences in the last half-century. Today, TV and online video commercials are considered to be amongst the easiest and most effectual ways to approach large audiences at the same time to advertise companies, services or new products. In this report, the Official Fiat 500 USA Commercial “Immigrants” will be reviewed from a marketing point of view. The commercial is vocalized by Adriana featuring Pitbull. This is one of the many commercials that Fiat has put faith in for thriving in its new venture of entering the US car market through effective publicity.
Fiat, officially Fiat Societa per Azioni (Fiat S.p.A.) is an Italian automobile manufacturer based in Turin. It is the oldest Italian automotive manufacturer, founded in 1899 by Giovanni Agnelli. Fiat, the biggest automotive manufacturer in Italy is undoubtedly one the biggest car makers in Europe. In 2011, Fiat was the fourth largest European automaker by production behind Volkswagen Group, PSA, and Renault and the eleventh largest automaker by production in the world. [1] It has a wide operation network, it is acclaimed for fostering the automotive industry …show more content…
This also hints, the wide personalisation options Fiat offers over the 500 series. Yet, Fiat disseminates this advertisement to the audience via various mass media channels simultaneously such as the TV and the internet through a number of different websites including the Official Fiat USA website, YouTube and many more. This helps reach out to greater masses rather than missing out on possible customers by limiting itself to a single mean of