When the test date arrived, I simply went through and answered the questions I knew easily, then I answered the harder ones. I hardly finished in the allotted time frame for the test; I hardly expected to place at the upcoming conference. The FBLA Spring District Conference took place a month after I competed. The conference consisted of speeches from our district FBLA officers, contests, games, and presentations to fill the time before the award ceremony, all of which I ignored; I spent the time fooling around with my friends, being an overall irresponsible FBLA member. The time for the award ceremony arrived, but I continued to pay the assembly no attention. After some time, the Introduction to Business Mathematics awards were announced; three names were called, followed by mine. Due to my not paying attention, I failed to noticed; my fellow FBLA members had to get my attention, and direct me to the …show more content…
Throughout this, I sat anticipating the award ceremony; I desperately wanted to know my results. After what felt like forever, the award ceremony commenced. I cheered for each of my fellow FBLA members who competed in the other competitions until, finally, the awards for the Introduction to Business Mathematics competition began. Six names were called, including mine. Nerves on end, I made my way to the stage: my hands shook, my knees wobbled, and I felt short of breath. After mounting the steps and completing the group of competitors, we walked together in a single-file line, stopping center-stage to look out on the auditorium filled with hundreds of student from schools all around our district. Scouring the crowd for my school proved difficult; our group was small and hard to locate among the immense crowd, but I managed to find my friends. The award for sixth place sounded throughout the auditorium, and one of the competitors left the stage. Shortly following that was the award for fifth place, followed by fourth and all the way to third, until the competition was narrowed down to two competitors: me and somebody