(1) Fast food, which is a very common concept in America today, has not always been so popular. (2) Because McDonald’s was the first restaurant to equip themselves with an assembly line people think that it was the beginning of fast food, but many consider White Castle to be how fast food chains began. (5) When founded in 1921, White Castle was an extremely important part of fast-food development. (3) Surprisingly, at the time, hamburgers were considered revolting. White Castle changed the perception of burgers when they began having nice, white, and clean restaurants with windows. (4) Being redesigned, McDonald’s was closed for a while, until it reopened in 1948, and later followed Taco Bell in 1950 and Wendy’s in 1969.(How Stuff …show more content…
(5) When the food lowers blood sugar, it spikes and causes difficulties. (2) On top of that, fast food can play a major part in developing type 2 diabetes and also can cause heart disease and possibly strokes. (Thank Your Body) (1) Fast food contains higher fat, lower fiber, tons of calories, sugar and salt. The food contains a certain type of fat, which is much worse for the body than normal fat, called trans-fat. (3)Obviously, trans-fat is horrible for you and on a regular basis increases the risk of heart disease by 25%. (How Stuff Works) (6) Fast food is …show more content…
(1)The food is cheap to make, so they can simply price it low and make it seem like a value, while something smaller for the same price is better quality. (How Stuff Works) (6) It is not a wonderful bargain. (2) Throughout the past years, fast food has received a bad reputation, but nobody is forced to eat it (Thank Your Body) (5) When Americans, who eat out every day at fast food places, on average eat an extra 200 calories per day, which adds up to 200 pounds per year. , (4) Averaging, an American spends approximately 110 dollars on burgers alone per year. 7% of the population of America eats McDonald’s daily, although 33% of children eat fast food daily. (3) Currently, the revenue of the massive industry is 191.03 billion dollars a year, and there are 232,611 establishments. (Harvard