Here’s Some Task 3 Advice
“Here is the method I used for successfully doing task 3 in 3 days and passing it on the first submission”
A1 “I gave an introduction discussing what capital structure is and how it relates to debt vs. equity financing and what maximizes shareholder return and what the goal of the company is in choosing a capital structure approach. I then made my recommendation discussing all approaches for all years using a table with earnings per share in each year for each approach and totaling them up to make my recommendation. (This was discussed and told to us in the webinar as the method so I am just repeating what was said). I then made my recommendation referencing the table, explaining why it maximizes shareholder return *****always refer to actual numbers.”
A1a “I justified my recommendation by talking about how the other approaches were not maximizing shareholder return and why, referencing the outcomes and what was causing their earnings per share to be lower ...Talk about all of the other approaches and reference the actual numbers. I repeated my recommendation at the end to sum it up.”
A2 “I gave an introduction describing capital budgeting, net present value, and internal rate of return, and referenced things from the Storyline that were applicable to this section in a paragraph describing the "background of the scenario (what was going on with company)." I then discussed NPV and IRR in individual sections where I referenced all of the numbers and told what they meant about whether or not the company should pursue the project. I gave brief explanation of how the numbers were calculated. At the end of each section for both IRR and NPV I made a recommendation about whether or not to pursue the project based on the NPV and IRR results in the spreadsheet.”
A3 “I began by discussing the background from the storyline (why they need working capital, how much they need) I then gave 3 ways the