Mary and Mildred didn’t realize that they were in a dwindling relationship so when their husbands pulled the rug out from beneath them, they went into shock. In Fahrenheit 451, Mildred’s life was turned around when Montag pulled the books out from under the ventilator. To represent her reaction Bradbury wrote, “Mildred backed away as if she were suddenly confronted by a pack of mice that had come up out of the floor. He could hear her breathing rapidly and her face was paled …show more content…
This paper focused on how they had their lives turned upside down, their betrayal to their husbands, and their representation of the whole society. These comparisons are relevant because Mary’s society limits her capability and they are unable to reach their full potential. Mildred's society limits their knowledge by banning books. They are selfish and their lack of concern for the rest of the world leads to their destruction. We can learn from the mistakes they made so that we do not repeat them. The life in Fahrenheit 451 is similar to ours. Both of our communities like to watch many violent T.V. shows and by being exposed to these types of shows we are becoming more accepting to violent actions. The three similarities between Mildred in Fahrenheit 451 and Mary in “Lamb to the Slaughter” are obvious and call for elaborate