What it means to be an American is that you can be who you want to be. According to an article written by Marcie Sillman , “Shmidt hopes [his family] [gets] the opportunity to come to this country. He spreads his arms wide as he describes his own experiences”. Shmidt’s personal experiences is an example to his family and others, that he is and wants to be an American. He can finally be and do what he wants to do. As an American, you can make yourself whoever you want to and do the things you have always dreamed of doing. According…
The definition of what it means to be American is defined through American people’s diverse backgrounds and the pride to protect the freedom of their country.…
To be an American means to express the first amendment. The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. Americans use their right to speech and to press to strengthen the central government. Each person has their own unique opinion. They can express themselves with the First…
To be an American is to have freedom to do or to believe whatever you want. America itself was founded on the principle of religious freedom, and that still stands today. The "melting pot" of cultures and beliefs from all around the world create a new culture in itself, one that makes America and Americans unique. Every American can write and publish any opinions they feel need sharing. Information, and the wide and unrestricted access of it, make Americans who we…
[11:50:44 PM] Jeremiah: What is American? Is it the ability to enjoy an outdoor barbeque with your family? Is it fighting to defend freedom from the evils of this world? Being American isn't just simply a list of stereotypes and Kodak moments. Being an American consists of the ability to use the freedoms that one has been given and the consequences of that freedom.…
When asked the question “what is an american?”, almost every single person would provide a different answer. This question is very open ended, and there are infinite possibilities for a response. Being an american is not something that can be decided by a few physical criterion, it is something more. To be an american is, according to Patricia Fernandez, “a state of mind,” based on a person’s beliefs rather than their tangible features. Therefore, I believe that an American is someone who considers America to be their home, believes in freedom and equality for all people regardless of race, social status, gender, or ethnicity, and is loyal and supportive to the United States.…
An American is someone that possesses the courage to stand up for what is right in any situation. No one should ever have to suffer for what they believe in because someone else doesn’t approve and America is a place where we strive to allow everyone their own beliefs and happiness. Anyone, no matter where they are originally from, should be allowed to follow their dreams and live the life that they see for themselves. Not very long ago, a 19-year-old boy named Hamzah Aljahmi closed his eyes, never to wake up. His family had immigrated to America from Yemen with a dream of being free to do as they please. Hamzah discovered his own dream along the way. This was a dream shared by a 21-year-old Native American boy from a poor family. Professional boxers.…
What does it mean to be an American for you? We use “American” word so freely but do we know what it exactly means to be an American? Only living in America does not mean that you are an American. Millions of people migrate into the United States of American in order to achieve their dream and earn the name of an American. For hundreds of years the United States has been attracting immigrants from a variety of different countries, races, and religions to come live in a land full of freedom and opportunity. This freedom, opportunities and responsibilities for each other make us a true American. Being an American is about being free and loyal. It's about having freedom of religion, rights, and justice. It's also about being about yourself.…
Do you know what it means to be an American? There is several ways to show what it is to be an American. For example, the police protect our streets everyday. Also the people that have careers that makes our country a better place. An American is showing patriotism, having freedom, and showing love and devotion for your country.…
An typical American is one who works diligently everyday and tries to accomplish set goals to support families as well as themselves. People from all over the world migrates to America for a change to achieve a better life and offer their children better opportunities. People don’t just want to leave their hometown for no reason, they didn’t have healthcare, freedom of speech, education, opportunities for their children. The reasoning for coming to America is for equality, peace, freedom , safety and education purposes. An American is someone who is determined to have a better life. One who displays pride in their country through patriotism and enjoys their inalienable rights. An American is one who respects and admires their county and achieves…
As an American you have rights that every other man and women have in this country because we are equal. We take pride in our country and show recpect and love for the men and women who fight for our freedom. You also reconize the horrible things that have happen in the past and know that those things should never happen again. Being american does not matter wether what the color of your skin or the type of religion you pratice it is how much pride ou have in the country.…
America is a free and privileged country, but the main reason we’re able to have all the rights we have is because we have soldiers all over the world fighting for our freedom. All the soldiers know when they go into battle they may not be able to see their families again but they still choose to go and fight for our rights and freedom. Freedoms such a Freedom Of Speech,, Freedom Of Religion and The Right To Bear Arms. Those are a few rights that we have as Americans and of course there are many more those are a few that are commonly known.…
I feel like generations before had a different definition of what it means to be an American. I feel like our grandparents and great-grandparents; whom were mostly immigrates set out to make a better life for generations following. They emphasized on working hard, owning their own homes, and building big families. There was a strong sense of community, and respect. Even though the core idea hasn’t changes much. Now, I feel as if America has turned into a country of arrogance, intolerance, and greed. Although, difference issues and situations have been worked through, there is still much work to be done.…
Being an American means a lot more then living in the United States. Some people don't realize how lucky they is to actually be a true American. To be in American you have to have faith in your country, respect your country, and most of all believe in your country. Along with a person comes with many different benefits such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, equality for all Including different sexes, races, religions, and status. Being an American we should be proud of the privileges we get because other countries are not as fortunate to have all of the freedoms we have. Our freedoms are what set Americans apart from other citizens. Americans have the opportunity to have a good education. Being an American means to be free and able to make your own decisions, pick your own job and be able to be in charge of your own life.…
Americans have the opportunity to do what they want. I think this is a big deal because in other countries there is a lot of things people can't do. “Freedom to pursue your dreams” (Chris, what is the american dream) This explains that the american people have the freedom to chose their own path in life and where their life goes. “To be able to worship and not be persecuted.” (Chris, what is the american dream) This explains that people in america can have their own religion and not get into trouble. “Everyone has a equal chance” (Thomas, what is the american dream) This explains that in america you are able to be yourself and still be treated…