Case Study -- Extreme Jobs
Sharelle Walker
B6125-Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Argosy University
Professor Glaspie-Ellis
February 18, 2013
Problem Identification
In today’s workplace, extreme jobs are now the norm. The article Harvard Business Review, “Extreme Jobs”, defined extreme jobs as any job that requires more than 60/70 hours per week and also adds different factors such as work flow, 24/7 availability, and travel. Executives are working harder than ever; showing that the 40 hour work week is now a thing of the past. The article states data revealing that 62% of high-earning individuals work more than 50 hours a week, 35% work more than 60 hours a week, and 10% work more than 80 hours a week (Hewlett & Luce, 2006). Working 80 plus hours a week is definitely extreme.
Working these grueling hours come with a price. While the pay is great, and the recognition unimaginable, what do you have to give up for it? The problems with these extreme jobs are the long hours, the health problems due to lack of sleep, the family issues, and no life outside of work. Many of these people endure health problems such as insomnia, weight gain, and heart problems. The impact on health is serious. Many of these top executives are not even taking vacations for fear of missing out. “Vacation has become stigmatized – in many corporations contenders for the big bucks or the corner office don’t feel they can take time off” (Hewlett, 2007). Survey data show that nearly 60% don’t take what they are entitled to, while others take less than half the allotted time off.
Extreme jobs may be appealing to some but it definitely is not free. Survey shows the repercussions of extreme jobs on family, home and intimate life. In women, 77% have issues maintaining home, and 53% claim that extreme jobs interfere with having a satisfying sex life. In men, 46% say that their
References: Hewlett, S. & Luce, C., 2006, Extreme Jobs: The Dangerous Allure of the 70 hour workweek, Harvard Business Review Hewlett, S. A., August 22, 2007, Is your Extreme Job Killing You?, Harvard Business Review Blog Network, retrieved February 18, 2013 from Stark, B., November 27, 2006, Extreme Jobs: Long Hours, Little Sleep & Money,, retrieved February 18, 2013 from Smith, J., August 10, 2012, The Top 25 Companies for Work-Life Balance,, retrieved February 18, 2013 from Japsen, B., August 8, 2012, More Companies Offer Perks to Lose Pounds as Incentives to Stay Healthy Increase,, retrieved February 18, 2013 from