1.What led to the traumatic events in Tiananmen Square in 1989? Why did China's leadership react to the students as they did? How would you characterize political reform in China under Deng Xiaoping and his successors?
The reasons that led to the event in Tiananmen Square in 1989 are because of the challenge of the reforms and the invasion of freedom and democracy. The event started from the death of famous Chinese governor Hu, Yaobang. In year 1989, Fang Lizhi, famous poet Bei Dao, and other intellectuals asked the Government to seize the opportunity to open up the political environment. Also National People's Congress proposed to combine together to promote "the democratization of the political, social and cultural and economic reform. So students suggest emphasizing the flexibility and openness of Chinese Politics. They also urged he government to grants the rights of freedom of expression that would …show more content…
According to the Spence, Dalai Lama intended to implement the full democracy in the future. He believed that the most urgent concern at the time is the massive influx of Chinese settlers into Tibet. In addition, Tibetans are rapidly being reduced to an insignificant minority in their own country. This development threatens the very survival of the Tibetan nation, its culture and spiritual heritage. During his speech, he pointed out the Five Point Peace Plan and talked about that Tibet to become a fully self-governing democratic political entity. I don’t think that Dalai Lama would improve the situation in Tibet through violence since he emphasized that Tibetan plateau would be demilitarized and manufacture and stockpiling of nuclear weapons and other armaments on Tibetan plateau would be prohibited. He also said that Tibet would be transformed into the world’s largest natural park or biosphere. From his word, I don’t think he will solve the issue with armed