There are many Acts that schools have to comply with as a legal requirement but which also offer protection to everyone in the school environment, children, staff and visitors alike. This protection can mean the safety, well-being and protection of rights. These following Acts are always subject to change to reflect an ever changing education environment.
Education Reform Act 2002
This Act was introduced to provide schools with a National Curriculum, which gave schools guidance on compulsory and non-compulsory …show more content…
There are 54 Articles which set the standards in health care, education, legal and social services. I am proud to be part a school which has recently been granted the UNICEF Right Respecting School silver award.
Children Act 2004 and 2006 (Every Child Matters)
This Act was created due to the unfortunate death of Victoria Climbie, who was not supported by the different agencies involved in her protection, due to lack of communication. The Acts provide guidance to schools regarding the welfare, discipline and care of children while working alongside outside agencies for the best interest of the children. The Every Child Mater Act has five basis outcomes for children - be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being.
Data Protection Act 1998
This Act protects the private information of an individual therefore a school must store information provided by parents regarding each child confidentially. The information stored must only be relevant to the intended purpose, which is the welfare of the child while in school. This information must be updated on a regular …show more content…
The Act impacted on the number of SEN children being allowed to remain in mainstream schools and the number of trained adults required supporting their educational needs. The Code of Practice gives guidance on what training is required by the staff supporting the SEN children’s diverse range of needs.
Disability Discrimination Act 1995/2005
As all children have the right to be included and involved in any learning activity this Act provided guidance on the requirements to make the school environment accessible for anyone with a disability. Any school built after the above dates had to make provision for pupils with disabilities, while existing schools only have to make modifications if new extensions or alterations are made to the original layout.
Legislation can be governed by national government or local authorities so it is important to know who is responsible for the Acts and where you can ask for assistance if any queries occur. There are also other regulatory bodies which can provide guidance and assistance to the education sector when supporting the development and well being for the children and young people in our