There is a door that can be closed to keep visitors out of the lab while work with the agents is in progress. Hazard warning signs may be posted on the door indicating any hazards that may be present, including radioactive materials, lazar lights, high noise emitting equipment, or toxic chemicals. There is a hand-washing sink available, preferably near the door. Waste materials are segregated according to hazard…
Imagine you are a tour guide for a major chemical laboratory. Write a short script for the tour that summarizes what the scientists should (or shouldn’t) wear in the lab, what safety precautions they take, their rules for cleanliness, and what they do in case of an accident. Your script should contain at least ten of the rules/information from the lesson. (30 points)…
Make sure medical staff has proper protective clothing at all times. Properly dispose or store such materials. Limit access to hazardous materials.…
Hygiene and waste disposal: high standard of hygiene is essential, Led by example, washing hands/good personal hygiene. Clean and disinfect floors, equipment and toys regularly. Use disposable gloves when dealing with faeces, urine or blood. Clean kitchen and bathrooms regularly to keep germ levels down. Anti-bacterial sprays are a must.…
14-01-05 Cellular Respira8on Upcoming events: L3.1 {cell resp} – Jan 16/17th Quiz Jan 22/23st (in lieu of write-up) Mitochondrial Cytoplasm (Cytosol) Mitochondria Membrane…
Q - State how the health and safety control equipment relevant to the work should be used in accordance with the given instructions.…
There are twelve key principles of green chemistry that are used to evaluate how green a reaction may be. A green reaction prevents waste before it is created with little to no toxicity. Green experiments should be designed to maximize the starting materials into the final products while minimizing toxicity. Raw materials should be renewable and products should break down and not persist in the environment while reducing derivatives. All experiments should be performed in real time with use of catalysts while minimizing potential chemical accidents.…
Made sure equipment was sterile before use by immersing in methylated spirits and then heating in a Bunsen burner.…
Safe practices for using hazardous substances would include PPE, making sure you always wore correct gloves and aprons when using general cleaning substances and never mix liquids together as this could cause serious noxious gases. Always read labels and follow instructions, never use a substance you are unsure of and if accidents or injury was to occur always seek medical advise and record where appropriately.…
Purpose: The purpose of this experiment was to synthesize methyl m-Nitrobenzoate from methyl benzoate, concentrated HNO3, and concentrated H2 SO4 by an electrophilic substitution reaction. The H2 SO4 and the HNO3 were initially combined to form nitronium ion which was then used as an electrophile in the reaction. Crystals that were collected after the formation of the methyl m-Nitrobenzoate were collected by vacuum filtration and the product was isolated and purified by recrystallization.…
strip off the CoA portion from acetyl-CoA and combine two-carbon acetyl group with a four-…
Recrystallization is a method used for purifying solid organic compounds. It is the most efficient method to purify and remove impurities from a solid to allow a crystal to grow. The method is when the solute in a hot solvent yields to a solution. Once the solvent cools, the solution is saturated with respect to the solute, which is when it recrystallizes. A crystal is the end result of the method and it is a single pure substance with the impurities being excluded from it. The recrystallization method can be broken down into seven steps: 1) Choosing the solvent, 2) Dissolving the solute, 3) Decolorizing the Solution, 4) Filtering suspended solids, 5)…
CH 4: International Sales Law Introduction to Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Goods Sale International sales contract Set out parties’ rights and duties Terms and conditions Quantity and price Choice of law and forum Arbitration clause The common law The law merchant and English sales law US Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) National differences in sales law Contractual uncertainty UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) – 1980 Over 70 countries have ratified, but not UK Incorporates national differences in approach to contract law Skews toward US/UK law - Contract Requirements under Common Law/UCC Agreement Offer and acceptance Consideration Capacity of parties Legality CISG CISG applies if the transaction Involves commercial sale of goods Is between parties whose places of business are in different countries Places of business are in countries that have ratified the CISG…
Cleaning up the environment and, more importantly, preventing pollution are important issues in today’s world. The theme for the 2002 National Chemistry Week is “Chemistry Keeps Us Clean.” While the chemical industry is traditionally viewed more as a cause than a solution to pollution, chemistry does offer unique solutions in the area of waste prevention. One of the most fundamental of these solutions is the application of the green chemistry principle of atom economy to chemical reactions. Atom economy moves the practice of minimizing waste to the molecular level. Traditionally, chemists have focused on maximizing yield, minimizing the number of steps or synthesizing a completely unique chemical. Green chemistry and atom economy introduce a new goal into reaction chemistry: designing reactions so that the atoms present in the starting materials end up in the product rather than in the wastestream. This concept provides a framework for evaluating different chemistries, and an ideal to strive for in new reaction chemistry (1,2,3).…
Crystallization is a technique which chemists use to purify solid compounds. It is one of the fundamental procedures each chemist must master to become proficient in the laboratory. Crystallization is based on the principles of solubility: compounds (solutes) tend to be more soluble in hot liquids (solvents) than they are in cold liquids. If a saturated hot solution is allowed to cool, the solute is no longer soluble in the solvent and forms crystals of pure compound. Impurities are excluded from the growing crystals and the pure solid crystals can be separated from the dissolved impurities by filtration. (…