A big bonus in going to college is the end results, which is making more money as a graduate. Everybody wants money and everybody needs it. Students out of college who have earned their degree have a higher chance of getting a higher salary than a student with just a high school diploma or G.E.D. As the years go on a high school diploma will be worth less and…
College is a place where people go to find themselves and figure out their future steps. Going to college allows someone to see how the real world will be. College also brings many benefits and promises to oneself and even family. in addition to the promise of a higher salary, college offers a myriad of benefits to students who participate in the academic experience.…
Going to college is a decision every high school graduate has to make. Although it can be expensive, the outcome is worth it. College graduates can have higher paying jobs, gain independence, and come out healthier and happier. These all are necessities for a successful lifestyle. College is a few years of hard work for a brighter…
Why attend a college? There are several people who don't attend to college, not knowing that a degree will help with many things. Attending a college is the first step to obtain all three of these results. First, people work at a place where they are there only for the high salary. Secondly, others don't spend much time with their family or friends for the reason that they need to work in order to provide. Finally, there are several people who have jobs that they dislike. A college is able to give many benefits, for instance, the ability to a high salary, ability to spend time with family and friends, and the ability to appreciate their job.…
The benefits of college degree is to get a rewarding career and better pay with a college degree helps to get a degree in your field get a job that is exciting to go everyday and enjoy what you are doing. College is hard, but at the end of school it makes it worth every minute that you have accomplish something that…
There are so many students attending college who simply do not belong there. Most people think they will not get anywhere if they do not attend a college, or have some type of educational background. In the article, “Is College for Everyone,” Pharinet who is a college professor state that having your education is important and everyone has the right to attended college. He explains everyone does not have to go to college to get a well paying job, and some students simply is not ready for the academic and ressonsibility challenges of college.…
To sum this up, college will benefit you in many ways. Ways like being successful, solving financial problems, improve and maintaining a healthier lifestyle, etc. Mark Jardin (My Brother) is now somewhat successful when he took culinary college. He is much more responsible than before, very careful for his health, and he is solving his financial problems more quicker. People with a college degree will probably know what it’s like to be relieved of stress and is much more happier than before. Right now, you maybe wondering what your life would be like when you graduate college. College is worth it and will change your…
Attending college has a significant impact on your self worth. Gaining knowledge makes a person feel like they can do anything. Before enrolling in school I felt like my life was at a dead end. My career choices were limited and I felt like I had to do the same thing my whole life. I felt like it was a wasted effort to try to advance. Being in school shows students that there are options. They don’t have to feel like there is a ceiling containing their future. Going to school makes one feel like they can choose to do anything with their lives.…
Many people raises a question over whether college is worth the cost. The reason people doubt about worth of college degree is that student loan debt is accelerating at a rapid pace. However, the value of college education is not just about money. It gives much more hidden benefits to society and individuals. College education provides students time to lay the groundwork before launching into the world. Opportunities to build a network of professional relationships are also given to students. After that, individuals with college degree make great contribution to society such as economic prosperity or enhanced social conditions.…
The first reason on why college is important is that college grads turn out to live happy and healthy lives.In the article,”College is Worth the Cost”,it states,”College also prepares you for a well-rounded and healthy life,e.g. College grads smoke less,exercise more,and are twice as likely to engage in volunteer…
The second reason I believe college is worth it is because of all the opportunities to choose from in the career department. When you attend college you are given choices in which you want to major which help lead to the career in which choose to pursue. For example, colleges have a list of majors like biology, psychology, liberal arts and many more, which you choose from and even if your not satisfied with your first choice you're able to change your mind and do something else. There many classes in which you are able to take that expand your mind to this your never knew and they challenge you which makes you intellectually stronger in that field.…
Attending college is not just for the experience or for fun. Attending college is investing in the future and overall creating a more successful and abundant life, if wanted. Unemployment is and has been an issue for many years now. Attending college can improve the chances of not…
Many people say that college is too expensive or it is not worth it but is that really true? You can do a lot without a college degree but it does help you build experience and for some jobs a college degree is required. One of the biggest reasons college degrees are worth it is due to the amount of jobs offered to people without a college degree is greatly decreasing. Everyday there are less and less jobs for high school graduates without college degrees. Another significant reason to why college is worth it is that your brain continues to develop in your twenties and college could aid in developing your brain more…
Even though many people go into college not knowing the career they wish to pursue in life. There are benefits found with career opportunities. Earning a college degree can be the first step in bettering your career. Lets look at San Francisco President John Willams essay. He quotes “education arms people with the skills to find success, from an economist’s perspective, I see the irrefutable data that investing in education is crucial to economic success (why).” The academic and career skill credentials a college education provides often will help you to stand out among job applicants and peers that might be up for the same promotion. Additionally, expanding your skill set with a college degree can open doors to different aspects of your chosen career field. This is considered a great example because your career can prepare for your future which will help you in the long…
College can help better prepare me with situations that I will might deal with in the future. College can get me a higher education that will give me an advantage over the chances of me not getting a job. Some people have told me that it is really difficult to get into college especially if I’m trying to get into a higher level college or university. However, that is not going to stop me from going to the university. I will go to college and study either biology, astronomy, or law…