
Everyday Use Literary Analysis

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Everyday Use Literary Analysis
While Miss Brill in “Miss Brill”, Dee and Mama in “Everyday Use”, and Marji in “Persepolis,” are women of different cultures and ethnicities, their roles as women is faced with similar gender inequalities. Some might argue that women are treated as an equal gender with the same amount of opportunity as men. However, Miss Brill, Dee, Mama and Marji share in common psychological, social, and economic issues that women face not only exist today in America, but also Worldwide. Mansfield’s work in “Miss Brill”, is mainly about a lonely school teacher that creates a false reality for herself. Miss Brill finds herself at the Public Gardens every Sunday afternoon in her certain spot to eavesdrop into others conversations. Miss Brill over hears a young couple ridicule her beloved coat and cruel jokes. Her fantasy is now over, and feels unwanted. The shy old lady finally realizes the ugly truth. Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” is a good example for showing what happens to a family when there is not strong understanding of heritage. The two sisters, Dee and Maggie are opposites when it comes to personality and looks. Dee has a full figure that is outspoken and wants the finer things is life. On the other hand, Maggie is shy and introverted with a thinner frame than Dee. The mother of the two decides to give Maggie her …show more content…
For instance, the Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal” is still the same today. Further, how can this be in our declaration of Independence when real men and women don’t have the same opportunities? There are still places in the world where men and women can do the same job and not get paid for the same amount of work. Women psychological, social, and economic issues spread globally, including different race and ethnicities. Even women in the early 1900’s like Miss Brill, can still experience psychological issues

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