
Essay On Why Walmart Is Bad For America

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Essay On Why Walmart Is Bad For America
Its size, power, and low prices are what make Walmart so helpful to America. So why do some people think that Walmart is so bad for American people? (Found in Walmart Nation packet, which was given in class) Many people believe that this is a true debate. Everyone has his or her own point of view. If you think about it, is Walmart really good for America? Walmart has made many changes since it was first opened in 1962, by Sam Walton. By the end of 2003, there were 2,551 Walmart stores in the U.S. and this is all including supercenters, Sam's Club's and the famous neighboring markets.(Found in Walmart Nation packet, which was given out in class) After going over all the facts, Walmart is good for America.
Walmart is bad for America, as some say. The Globalization packet that was handed out in
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It states that Walmart puts many smaller businesses out of service. A recent study by David Neumark of the University of California at Irvine and two associates at the Public Policy Institute of California, "The Effects of Wal-Mart on Local Labor Markets," uses sophisticated statistical analysis to estimate the effects on jobs and wages as Wal-Mart spread out from its original center in Arkansas. The authors find that retail employment did, indeed, fall when Wal-Mart arrived in a new county. It's not clear ... whether overall employment ... rose or fell ... But it's clear that average wages fell. (Found off of a website on Google) Walmart workers do not get paid enough money either. The wages that Walmart employers are paid ranges from $7.50-$9.00, and that's even when people have been working there for quite a while. (Found on Google) Wal-Mart wields its power

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