Nurse Practitioner is a registered nurse (RN) with more education and training than a registered nurse in family and pediatric practice. Nurse Practitioners can provide health care for kids. They manage acute and critical ill clients both mental and physical. They are able to provide care without the supervision of a doctor. NPs still have to refer to doctors when things are out of their scope of practice. NP can be referred to as (advanced practice nurses, APN). NP’s follow the same rules and regulations of the Nurse Practices Act in the state in which they are licensed. A NP can work in a family practice, doctor’s office, have they own private office, hospital, nursing home, school, or public health facilities.
When becoming a NP you must first complete a master’s or doctoral degree in nursing. Also have advance clinical training and board of nursing certification. NPs who are is …show more content…
The pay is good in 2013 the nurse practitioner made a median salary of 92, 600. The highest paid was 127,000 and the lowest was 67,000. The salary changes from state to state and the type of facility the NP is working in. For instance if a NP was working in a private setting the salary would be at least 111,000, Emergency Room or Urgent Care they salary would be 115,000 or a Rural Health Care facility the salary would range to 93,000 a year.
Nurse Practitioners has an important occupation. They credibility are more than health care providers but they are educators, mentors, researchers, and administrators. Having all those credentials and training help advance NPs roles to make sure their professional standards are maintained. They have low health care cost because clients that see NPs have low emergency visits, shorter hospital stays, and lower medication cost. The patient reported a high level of satisfaction is greater than those of a