
ERR 201

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ERR 201
ERR 201


Health and Safety
Hours worked
Statutory Sick Pay
Maternity leave
Reporting of injuries and accidents


The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
The Data Protection Act 1998
The Employments Rights Act 1996
The National Minimum Wage Act 1998
The Equal Pay Act 1970/1983
Human Rights Act 1998
The Sex Discrimination Act 1975
The Race Relations Act 1976 (amendments 2000) and Regulations 2003
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995
The Childcare act 2006
The Care Standards Act 1989
Protection of Children Act 1999
The Equality Act 2010
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations 2002
Reporting of injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995


Legislation relating to employment exists to protect the rights of both the employer and employee. Due to the enforceability of law it ensures that regulations, policies and procedures are put into place and are complied with. It stops the exploitation of employees by their employer.


In the Pre school setting for advice and information internally I can go to my supervisor Sam my manager Nicky and the owner of the Pre school Kellie .
To get information and advice from an external source I can contact Alex Cover at the development office, Early years at Windsor and Maidenhead council, If she is not available I can also contact Catherine Doyle or Helen Young. I can use the website for advice and information on Legal matters or visit citizens advice.


By signing my contract of employment I agree to be CRB checked to the highest level but even with a full CRB no member of staff is to be alone with any of the children, whilst nappy changing and helping with toileting the internal doors to these areas are left open.
Every member of staff must agree to abide by all points of contract and each of the policies for the Pre School.
My contract states that I will work my designated days each week. Additional hours worked outside of my

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