Emotional, Behavioral, and Physical Disabilities
Marie Butler-Goble
Grand Canyon University
Professor Amy Petrovich April 28, 2013
Emotional, Behavioral, and Physical Disabilities Teaching students who have emotional, behavioral, and physical disabilities such as hearing or vision loss or traumatic brain injury can be challenging. The experience can also be extremely rewarding for educators who through effective teaching strategies provide a positive learning environment for students who might otherwise be excluded. Students with disabilities learn differently than non-disabled students, but teachers must not limit their expectations or aspirations for a special needs student any more than they would for a non-disabled student. Through praise and encouragement these special students can learn academically and also learn hope, motivation …show more content…
This service can be delivered as direct teaching as well as consultation with regular class or special education teachers. Various learning resources and technologies available today can help students achieve success in learning, relationships and independence” (START, 1996). Teaching strategies and accommodations can be as simple as preferential seating, attention to lighting, materials in large print, and space in the room for safe navigation. Other students may need more specialized, direct instruction in such basic functions as walking from place to place within the school, getting food in the cafeteria, or and finding a seat in the gymnasium. Tape recorders can be provided so the student can take notes for assignments and review information for tests. For math instruction tactile aids, manipulatives, and technology such as talking calculators will be