Wendell Berry, the author of “The Pleasures of Eating”, claims that we, as a society, should know and care where our food actually comes from, to be able to realize that the food that reaches our tables has been through a ride that we may not necessarily like. He also encourages us to grow our own food and to buy our produce and fruits from a farmer’s market. I agree with the point that Berry is trying to get across. Making our own produce, fruits, meats, dairy, etc. is better because not only will we eat healthier and not be dependent on importing products but we will actually know what we are consuming. Sure making our own food is hard and it does take time, but there is no doubt that making it is better than faking it.…
Over the last few decades farming animals for food has grown and evolved into a highly efficient, streamlined industry known as factory farming. Factory farms are owned and operated by big corporations, and despite the fact they make up only a small percentage of farms in the United States, they are responsible for most of the meat and eggs we consume here (Sierra Club, 2005). In factory farming, baby piglets are castrated without anesthesia and thrown into a pen, where they huddle in a corner writhing in pain. Egg laying chickens are crammed four or five to a cage (45x50cm) for their entire lives. They cannot spread their wings or stretch out in any way, and they never see daylight. To prevent them from pecking at one another, their beaks are brutally burnt or sliced to a stub. To produce veal, newborn calves are confined in small crates and restrained to allow a minimum of movement until they are slaughtered at just five months old. Factory farmed animals are treated like non-living commodities, suffering horrendous cruelties to produce the maximum profit at the least amount of cost. In recent years public awareness about factory farming conditions has grown, and so have concerns over animal cruelty and public health. The general public should not tolerate animal cruelty in the factory farming industry because it is extremely inhumane to animals and it represents a growing health hazard for human beings; instead, consumers should put pressure on the industry to change the way animals are treated and to ensure farms do not pose a threat to public health.…
The film, Food, Inc., argues that our food system has been corrupted by corporate interests; as a result, we are put in danger by very items that should guarantee our survival. We should reclaim our right to health by eating more locally produced organic food and ensuring all people have access to such food. The film wants the viewers to think negatively of the business of mass production of the foods that we eat on a daily basis. The logical fallacies allow the film to capture the attention and emotions of its audience by giving a reason for their concerns, but without any legitimate statistics or facts to back up their claims. The use of these logical fallacies in the film help strengthen its arguments by making the audience feel as if the corporations are exploiting the farmers and their traditions, causing families to go through avoidable obstacles, and making the companies and government look like the “bad guys” in this web that is called the food industry. However, the reality is that the food industry isn’t as evil as depicted by the fallacious arguments in the film.…
The Food Inc. documentary shows how good quality food is really expensive, and the bad quality food is really cheap. Food industries are using technology to mass-produce, using chemicals and hormones. Killing people in America, these new methods that food industries are using is not solution to feed our society.…
Pollan’s solution is simple. “All we need to do is empower individuals with the right philosophy and the right information to opt out en masse” (Pollan 260). Regardless of how promising it may sound, however, where our food comes from is not going to change overnight. Major companies such as Coca-Cola have bought out our legislation a countless number of times and will continue to do so for as long as people continue to feed them money. Unless a sharp, major nationwide movement is started, there will never be an “American Food Revolution.” Despite the efforts put forth by many food orientated communities, the availability, low cost, and popularity of terrible industrial foods will time and time again grant victory to the…
- It is true that corn gives us many disadvantages; however, it could also give benefits for the…
Over the years, it seems as if the agricultural industry has been more focused on the quantity, more than quality. As a society, we have been manipulated by companies into thinking we are eating all natural ingredients. Before companies started serving our foods with chemicals, authentic food came from animals that were free to roam on pastures and that were freshly cut and packaged. Now the food comes from a factory farm, which is when animals are treated as if they were machines designed only to produce. Factory farming has a negative impact on animals, human health and the environment. As consumers, we should be in control of what we want in our food; and to do so, we should cut down on how much we buy from the markets.…
Over the last decade the increase in consumer concerns regarding food origin, have changed the landscape of consumer purchasing decisions and contributed to the growing demand for local produce and products. The locavore movements are people and environments who have decided to eat locally grown or produced products; in fact it has become widespread over this past decade. Communities have considered whether a locavore movement is beneficial in changing a population’s nutrition while maintaining the local producers’ businesses.…
order to survive and maintain a healthy lifestyle, everyone needs Food. How much do we actually know about the food we buy and serve to our families on a daily basis? There has been little awareness and understanding of food in America until the film Food Inc., which helps show us how our food is produced, packaged and sold in our native stores. Our nation’s food supply is being controlled by a few amounts of corporations that often put their income ahead of customer health. It’s time that the truth is heard about what we are putting into our bodies, and what is being hidden from us by the food industry.…
In a section his book, Michael Pollan focuses on the corn industry. He finds of the “forty-five thousand items in the average American supermarket...more than a quarter of them now contain corn ” Although these cheap foods can conveniently be found at any supermarket, constantly eating this food is destructive to ourselves . America is currently the world leader in obesity and it is because we heavily rely on corn to fatten our animals or to become the main component of processed food. And because the “cheap corn [keeps] flowing, guaranteeing that the cheapest calories in the supermarket will continue to be the unhealthiest”, families in poverty will have no choice, but to eat the cheap yet affordable foods, leading to obesity.…
In class last Tuesday we watched a documentary called Food Inc. This film was an eye opener for most people but being that I am a sixth generation farmer I understand how the seed, meat, and poultry corporations work. This film discussed the problems with the food industry today, and what we need to do to change the future of how our food is made and processed.…
This documentary is more or less broken down in a ¬¬form of chapters, using supportive authors of several books on food industry, interviewing knowledgeable individuals, safety advocates, and farmers to advocate the reality of food industry. The documentary first illustrations a supermarket filled with different food items. As the camera focuses on the fruits and vegetable the speaker states “The tomatoes you buy in the grocery store are picked when green and then ripened with ethylene gas.” The process of food production has changed in the eyes of many, over the years. Many of us don’t know where the food comes from. Since 1950’s the fast food industry have had transformed the current method of raw food production. The goal is, “production of large quantities of food at low direct inputs (most often subsidized) resulting in enormous profits, which in turn results in greater control of the global supply of food sources within these few companies.” Only top four companies are handling the meat industry, which are implacable to the animals, workers and environment. The consumption of meat by an average American has raised tremendously so has the demand of fast foods. The methods of production have whole new level. First, thirty percent of American land is based on corn. The government policy pays farmers more to overproduce this easy-to-store crop. The corn is then modified in different chemical forms, which is used ninety percent in most of our industrial foods. The farm animals are feed corn to increase their weight for high dense meat. The cows, chicken, pigs and more over…
The over use of corn can affect us as well. Fuel has run out, and corn will too. Sure, we can plant the in our many acres of land but that does not change the fact that we are going to be depending on the weather. Livestock and poultry producers fear that there may not be enough corn to produce meat, milk and eggs. And according to Lester Brown, since the United States supplies 70% of world corn exports, corn-importing countries are worried about their supply as well. The is a line between food and energy sectors, and since almost everything we eat can be converted into fuel for automobiles; (including wheat, corn, rice, soybeans and sugarcane) that line is starting to disappear.…
Most off our food is handled and processed by somebody else. The truth is Americans don’t have the time to farm and nor do the dirty bits. In America, whoever does the best in the fourth quarter controls how things will run, with the ever growing hunger for wealth there is no limit to what can be achieved. An American Filmmaker, Robert Kenner, released a documentary Food Inc, a perfect example of greed and disregard for what can be considered ethical in the food industry. Kenner was inspired to make this film after reading Fast Food Nation to show how portray the whole supermarket has become industrialized almost resembling the fast-food industries. The documentary Food Inc. is about slaughter houses, food manufacturing, and other food related subsets. The film relies heavily on visuals and also the commentary used statistics and facts creating attitude.…
Food “choice” can often be limited through materialist and mentalist means. An example of a materialist reason for how food choice can be limited is when the Italians immigrated to the U.S. and they were forced to make changes in their recipes. Harvey Levenstein writes that Italian food was the glue that bonded Italian families together. But because of the change in location they no longer had as much seafood available like they did in Sisley. Meat was abundant in America. Back in Italy meat was not a big part of their cuisine because it was rare and expensive. Now because of the change in location and the availability of meat, it made logical sense to incorporate meat into their diet and limit the need for seafood.…