Deanna Halstead
October 27, 2014
Corynda Hagamin
Early Middle and Adulthood Paper This paper is about the trial and tribulations associated with the stage of becoming a young adult; it will focus on social and intimate relationship established in this process. It will also talk about people and the changes, encounters, and experiences a person can experience in this stage. People in the beginning stages of early and middle adulthood can go through many changes throughout their life. Relationships private and social have a need for the confirmation of the roles played by each participant in the relationship. Each can form healthy relationships with friends, co-workers, and family members, …show more content…
According to researchers at Northwestern University, The Choi (2001-2014) website. Adopting a healthy lifestyle as a young adult is essential in the prevention of heart disease and will help the body maintain a healthy structure later on in life. Research shows that young adults were able to remain a low risk for heart disease into middle adulthood and were able to continue with the healthy lifestyle habits in later on in life. "Based on this study of those who adopted a healthy lifestyle, even after 20 years, many were able to maintain their low-risk profile," said Dr. Kiang Liu, the study 's lead author and professor of preventative medicine (Choi, …show more content…
Older adults often tell younger adults to pay close attention to the things that older adults overlooked and contributed to the disease, symptom, or ailments of an older adult. It is genuine, heartfelt advice and the belief that younger adults take their health for granted with the assumption that it will always remain in a healthy state. Everyday life is a constant reminder of what older adults experience and the trials and tribulation that some endure due to not maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Choi, C. (2001-2014). Retrieved from
Shaping your health. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Stassen Berger, K. (2009). Invitation to the lifespan [University of Phoenix Custom Edition eBook]. Bronnx, Ny: . Retrieved from University of Phoenix, PSY/280 website. (n.d.). Retrieved from adulthood-development-throughout-the-life-cycle-nursing-part-1/ (n.d.). Retrieved from