Alcohol use disorder …show more content…
For seven of the 12 studies there was a follow up assessment measurement done at 6-12 months posttreatment, there was a significant effect on the patients when they maintained the CBT/MI treatment. Another, more simplistic design had 285 patients that was conducted with a baseline assessment and another 15 week post baseline, a control group which (n=70) had no treatment at all, following 9 sessions which was focused solely on depression (n=68), lastly they combined treatment of alcohol and depression (n=75). The prediction was treatment would be most significant in the dual diagnosed group. Many of the same devices were used to evaluate depression and alcohol intake and intervention was introduced in week two starting with Cognitive Behavioral therapy with some motivational words and coping mechanisms introduced. (Baker, Kavanagh, Kay-Lambkin, Hunt, Lewin, Carr, and Connoly,