Drug | Dosage, Frequency and Route | Action | Classification | Indication | Contraindication | Adverse Effects | Nursing Responsibilities | Generic Name:OxytocinBrand Name:Pitocin | 10 units/ml in1ml ampule, vial or syringe incompatible IV solution. | * . Oxytocin induces rhythmic uterine contraction which increases throughout the pregnancy, reaching the max at term by proliferating oxytocin receptors. | * PharmacologicClass: Posterior pituitary hormone * Therapeutic Class: Uterine-active agent | * to induce or stimulate labor | * hypersensitive to drug when vaginal delivery is advised * cephalo pelvic disproportion is present
Drug | Dosage, Frequency and Route | Action | Classification | Indication | Contraindication | Adverse Effects | Nursing Responsibilities | Generic Name:OxytocinBrand Name:Pitocin | 10 units/ml in1ml ampule, vial or syringe incompatible IV solution. | * . Oxytocin induces rhythmic uterine contraction which increases throughout the pregnancy, reaching the max at term by proliferating oxytocin receptors. | * PharmacologicClass: Posterior pituitary hormone * Therapeutic Class: Uterine-active agent | * to induce or stimulate labor | * hypersensitive to drug when vaginal delivery is advised * cephalo pelvic disproportion is present