
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Figurative Language

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Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Figurative Language
Yeats’ “The Second Coming” and Thomas’ “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night” are two contrasting poems with passionate tones. Yeats’ poem describes a new time that will bring disorder to the world. He explains his ideas in a negative tone that presents a frightening mood. On the other hand, Thomas’ poem is about the struggle against death. He urgently begs his father to battle against death, creating a sad mood. In each poem, figurative language, the theme, and the mood are used to create the authors tone.
To begin with, “The Second Coming” and “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night” have powerful moods that convey the authors tone. Yeats’ poem has descriptive words that make the reader feel frightened. His negative tone and threatening words give the reader a sense of fear. By having a frightening mood, this helps to create his pessimistic tone. In contrast, “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night” has a depressing mood. As Thomas speaks about death, the readers feel sympathetic because of his desperation. His tone is very urgent and gives the poem a sorrowful mood. Readers are able to understand his desperate wishes through the mood of the story. In both poems, the mood created by the author helps form the tone.
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For example, Thomas uses repetition throughout “Do Not Go Gentle into the Good Night”. He repeatedly says, “Do not go gentle into that good night.” He is using metaphorical language to express his wishes for his father to fight against death. As he repeats himself, readers can understand his tone of desperation. Similarly, Yeats uses figurative language such as imagery and to express his ideas: “The darkness drops again; but now I know that twenty centuries of stony sleep.” Darkness appeals to sight and adds a negative tone to the poem. By using figurative language, the readers are able to sense the tone of the

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