Diversity is a phenomenon that is occurring in mankind everyday life. Whether by race, religions, color, gender, education, disability sexual oriental, age, geographic origin, skill characteristics, and may be more. “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and right. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhoods.”- Article 1 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.
Diversity causes individuals to distort, misjudge or even misinterpret once opinion. Although diversity is a worldwide situation, many individuals repudiate it themselves. The bible states: “The heart is traitorous then anything else”Jeremiah 17:9 of dealing with people of all kind, but in reality it is false. If we look at America for example many have chosen to surround themselves with people that have the same ethnicities, practice the same beliefs, and lieve in an area where they can find people that came from the same background, therefore, we are diverse whether we want to acknowledge it or not.
As note in the preceding paragraph the Article 1 of the universal Declaration of Human Rights, we should behave as brothers learn to embrace the differences in others that will enable us to be in a community where we can trust one another. From people like us Brooks made an interesting point saying “Humans are narrow minded, we only adhere with the environment that we known.” That leads us to the reason why we intended to be diverse. It is because we are not open for the unknown. What we don’t know bring fear and transcend to hate. If we stop being puffed up with pride, rid of the headstrong attitude so as to give a chance to interact with different types of cultures, race, beliefs and so forth, not just assume great air without a formal reason for condemning. As Brooks said we can be emancipate from