
Discrimination In America

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Discrimination In America
The political history of USA has seen some of the biggest struggles to make the country open-minded towards the issues of race since the Civil War. For most of us present day America still remains segregated. Statistics have shown that the discrimination throughout history has been used in a direct behavior against African-American people. Discrimination is the overarching theme and factor in cases of education, the judicial system and the media portrayal of the race. This paper will examine the fact of continued discrimination exhibited in today’s world in relation to the plot of A Lesson Before Dying and how in fact discrimination plays a vital role in the decisions that majorly affect the African American race.
‘The belief that a high rate
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‘In New York City 80% of the NYPD stop checks were of blacks and Latinos’ (Quigley). It is more common for African Americans to be checked, by making them lay flat on to the ground, in comparison to any other group in USA. Moreover, the fear of police shooting have made African Americans parents so much afraid of the police that they train their children’s to not stir during a police check and to slowly access driving documents while the hands still raised up. Still African Americans form biggest segment of population killed during police checks and most of the time the person killed is unarmed highlighting the injustice resulting from bias attitude of policemen against African Americans. ‘Therefore, the ferocious afro, the wearing of beads, teeth, fetish necklaces and the like always define a militant black radical. It is no matter that these outer camouflages for the black ego and devotion to retrospective glory are no more than a ghetto fashion. These are the stigmata of the enemy to the police’ (Wright). The 7:1 ratio of African Americans to white shot and killed by police that prevailed in the 1960s and 1970s clearly reflected racial discrimination by the police while during the 1990s this ratio was 3:1 (Samuel …show more content…
‘Going back into history it is inevitable to notice the progress towards integration of educational system has been very slow. Ten years after Brown v. Board of Education ruling, 7 of the 11 Southern states had not placed even 1 percent of their black students into integrated schools. As late as 15 years after the decision, only one of the every six black students in the South attended a desegregated school’ (Bullock). On one other hand in history we come across Day Law being established in the state of Kentucky which made it unlawful for any institution to educate blacks and whites together. However, today when such laws are repealed and de jure segregation does not exist on papers; in reality its place is overtaken by de facto segregation which could be understood from limited funding received by school which are predominantly attended by black students. An example is Detroit’s public school system in black neighborhoods facing a debt of $327 million

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