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The children would play games. They would dig a hole and bury one of the children. The child that they buy would represent Hitler. If the children would get caught by the Nazis, they would get beat even killed sometime. Although suffering and death were all around them, children did not stop playing with toys. Some had dolls or trucks they brought into the ghetto with them. Children also made toys, using whatever bits of cloth and wood they could find. In the Lodz ghetto, children turned the tops of empty cigarette boxes into playing cards. That was not the only risked that the Jews would take in the ghettos. Many young people tried to continue their education and the kids education by attending school classes organized by adults in many ghettos. Going to these classes was illegal. Since such classes were usually held secretly, in defiance of the Nazis, pupils learned to hide books under their clothes when necessary, to avoid being caught.
“It was once said that not remembering the Holocaust means to side with the executioners against its victims; not to remember means to kill the victims a second time; not to remember means to become an accomplice of the enemy. On the other hand, to remember means to feel compassion for the victims of all persecutions. By solemnly commemorating the tragedy of the Holocaust, we will keep history in mind, never forget the past, cherish all lives, and create