Deforestation is clearing Earth’s forests at a massive scale. It can occur in any …show more content…
Deforestation is actually considered to be one of the main factors in climate change. According to Michael Daley, associate professor of environmental science at Lasell College in Newton, Massachusetts, this is the number one problem caused by deforestation. The less trees, the less to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and turn it into oxygen for organisms to breathe, which can be harmful in the long run if trees continue to decrease and wildlife and people increase. Carbon dioxide is the most prevalent greenhouse gas, which absorbs thermal radiation from the atmosphere. If greenhouse gases are in large enough quantity, they can force climate change, according to Daley. Climate change, such as global warming, for instance, melt polar ice caps and alter the lives of biodiversity, which can be …show more content…
With more people and animals set to live on Earth as time goes on, it is extremely important people are very conservative with what they cut trees for. Steps should be taken to decrease deforestation everywhere, as there is still hope. First, companies who make products from rainforests should have more recycling and zero-deforestation policies. As consumers, the people control what they buy. People should only buy from companies that make products from recycling and zero-deforestation policies, which would slow the abuse of deforestation for products coming from rainforests. Recycling is a revolutionary technique that has saved large amounts of trees in the past. We must take advantage of this and make sure that we all are using it, anytime it can be used. Recycling eligible items alone as one person would have a tremendous impact over time. Also, people should vote for politicians that are anti-deforestation and pressure companies to adopt these recycling and zero-deforestation policies. We should pressure these corporations working in the Amazon to do the simplest of things: frequently replant trees that have been destroyed when possible, known as “reforestation.” The Worldwide Fund for Nature warned that a combination of climate change and deforestation could