This area is located in the Southern and Eastern Amazon. The INPE(National Institute for Space Research) is an organization that performs annual assessments of the Amazon clearing, and communicates the results with law enforcement. In their first annual assessment they calculated that in the year 1989 alone, more than 21,000 square kilometers of deforestation had taken place, majority of it being in the “Arc” (Jeff Tollefson). They have also found that since the 20th century, majority of all deforestation has been driven by industrial activity. Illegal loggers and land speculators drive this activity by clearing land to sell to companies or selling illegal
This area is located in the Southern and Eastern Amazon. The INPE(National Institute for Space Research) is an organization that performs annual assessments of the Amazon clearing, and communicates the results with law enforcement. In their first annual assessment they calculated that in the year 1989 alone, more than 21,000 square kilometers of deforestation had taken place, majority of it being in the “Arc” (Jeff Tollefson). They have also found that since the 20th century, majority of all deforestation has been driven by industrial activity. Illegal loggers and land speculators drive this activity by clearing land to sell to companies or selling illegal