People often get confused with the negative meaning of pride. Pride is not to be grateful for what you have. Pride is not be thankful for what you have either. These often get confused because of the over affection we give to ourselves. For example being grateful of yourself comes with humbleness and is necessary for a great self esteem, but too much gratefulness can now be known as pride. People also get confused with pride when they are thankful for themselves, but do not show it in fear of being misunderstood by society. The world has many different people and we all have had pride before. To some pride may mean to have confidence, to others pride may mean to be grateful. To me pride is a selfish emotion which leads to make selfish acts. To me the word pride is a negative word since i am very religious, and it is not an emotion that i want to have. To me pride is to be full of yourself and to feel like everything you have is better than what others have. That’s the meaning for me. But another meaning of the word pride is to be brave or to take pride in something that you love like for example being a patriot which is having pride in your country is a positive example of pride. A quote that explains the word pride tome is ¨there is no better test of a man's integrity than his behavior when he is wrong.¨ This quote explains
People often get confused with the negative meaning of pride. Pride is not to be grateful for what you have. Pride is not be thankful for what you have either. These often get confused because of the over affection we give to ourselves. For example being grateful of yourself comes with humbleness and is necessary for a great self esteem, but too much gratefulness can now be known as pride. People also get confused with pride when they are thankful for themselves, but do not show it in fear of being misunderstood by society. The world has many different people and we all have had pride before. To some pride may mean to have confidence, to others pride may mean to be grateful. To me pride is a selfish emotion which leads to make selfish acts. To me the word pride is a negative word since i am very religious, and it is not an emotion that i want to have. To me pride is to be full of yourself and to feel like everything you have is better than what others have. That’s the meaning for me. But another meaning of the word pride is to be brave or to take pride in something that you love like for example being a patriot which is having pride in your country is a positive example of pride. A quote that explains the word pride tome is ¨there is no better test of a man's integrity than his behavior when he is wrong.¨ This quote explains