Feb. 25, 2013
The Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1776 and was written to give the colonies independence from England. The DOI explained to American colonists and to the rest of the world why the colonies were declaring their independence. The 13 colonies were upset British control due to the Parliament control, unable to sell products to other countries and the taxes placed on goods along with other expenses they were told to pay for. Because of such mistreatment the colonies decided to form their own identity, in which they formed the First Continental Congress in order to be represented in front of the King. King George did not agree with the colonies beliefs and deemed them as traitors to the British country. One man by the name of Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet, Common Sense, which focused on the colonists’ frustrations with King George III; he also expressed that it makes sense …show more content…
to break away from England since the colonies got nothing from the connection with England.
Due to the inspiration given from the Common Sense and the Second Continental Congress, the colonists decided to declare independence. The main parts to the Declaration is a statement of the new nation’s ideas about equality and the rights of men, a list of alleged abuses by King George, a description of the attempts by the colonies to solve these problems before declaring independence and the actual declaration by the signers that the colonies would from then on be free and independent states. Another example of mistreatment occurred in India. India became a Crown colony, to be governed directly by Parliament, and henceforth responsibility for Indian affairs would fall upon a member of the British cabinet, the Secretary of State for India and the Governor-General would still continue to be at the helm of affairs as the representative of the monarch as the Viceroy of India. Another example was involved with the Union of South Africa. It was created partially as a way of reconciling the English and Boer settlers. The
Union was devised by white politicians. Africans had their rights defended by the British Parliament until it was handed over to politicians and settlers in South Africa. Their rights were about to be assaulted by the concerns of the local white population, which was later on demonstrated in 1913 with the Native Land Act.
"Essay: a Call for Independence" StudyMode.com. 11 2010. 11 2010 <http://www.studymode.com/essays/Essay-A-Call-For-Independence-463908.html>.
"A Call for Independence" StudyMode.com. 05 2007. 05 2007 <http://www.studymode.com/essays/Call-Independence-115587.html>. http://www.britishempire.co.uk/maproom/southafrica.htm http://www.sascurriculumpathways.com/portal/Launch?resource=210