Define Data Protection Act 1998
It is a law that protects personal privacy and upholds individuals’ rights.
It applies to anyone who handles or has access to information about individuals. The Act also gives rights to the people the information is about. By law, everyone in the workplace must follow the rules set out in the Act and help protect individuals’ rights.
It is important to maintain confidentiality on a childcare setting in order to respect individuals in your care and their families.
Records that I will need to keep are
Parents’ contact details and emergency contact; like their names, address contact phone number, fees, and hours of care.
GP’s contact details
Medical issues
Special words used by the child say if the child wants water or needs to go to the toilet
The child’s likes and dislikes
Religious beliefs
How and when information will be exchanged
What to do in an emergency
Information about me, my qualification, experience & trainings received.
I will keep such records in a separate filing cupboard that has a lock or on a password protected file on my computer which will be inaccessible to other adults and children.
Confidentiality is mainly about the trust and respect, as parents will give us information about their child/children, they do this with the trust that it will not be passed on to others and is only used solely for the purpose that it was given to us. There will be times whilst children are within the early years age group that reports will have to be written, these may be for the purposes of routine reports to share with parents/carers, or reports for other professionals such as; speech therapists, social workers etc. and also sent along to a child’s new setting to keep in lines with keeping information confidential it is of great importance that it should only contain accurate and relevant objective information. It also protects childminders as