The delivery of human services today is that the client and helper work together.
The helper focuses on assisting the client to meet their needs. The helper plays a huge role in assisting the client with in a variety of responsibilities. Today, human service workers assist the whole person. Clients are empowered to take responsibility for them. Helpers can assist with clients social, psychological, and economic problems.
Human service must ask questions to find out what the problem are in a person’s life not all clients want to receive the assistance that available to them. Where I work at Village Atlanta Transitional Housing Program women have moved into the facility …show more content…
The problem is described as a situation, event, or event that is troublesome for the client. The client can view his or her situation as a problem as to how they see it. There are many factors that lead clients to human services, such as a loss of a job, a house fire, an individual relocating to a new city or country. Clients can recognize the existence of a problem and never seek assistance from human services.
When I and my three children moved to Atlanta in 1998 I had no idea as to what problems that I would have to face. I had money in the bank and a car, but when my money ran low I found myself homeless and needed to seek shelter. I called United Way 211 for assistance I was referred to a shelter on Moreland Ave. The helpers there made referrals for me; I was able to stay at the shelter for 90 days. During that time I found a job and was able to secure housing for myself and three children.
What is the nature of the helping process? What communication skills facilitate the …show more content…
The Client Arrives: The climate of respect and acceptance is established when the client arrives. The helper is to always make the client feel comfortable so that they will open up to the helper.
Exploring the Problem: At this stage the helper and client explore the problem. The client will discuss the problem from their perspective of how they see it.
Intervention Strategies: This stage of the process is where the helper and client set goals for the client to accomplish. The client addresses their problems, and the client discusses their desires and aspirations and the clients resources. The helper will use their expertise and connection to help the client as much as possible.
Termination: At this stage the helper and client end their working relationship. This is when the helper has finished their part in helping the client to hopefully making the client successful in solving the client’s