The more exposed a population is to foreign ideas and people, the more that population becomes desensitized to any stereotypes or prejudices. If we look at African Americans in present day America, their condition is the best that it has ever been in this country’s history mainly because newer generations of Americans are more racially tolerant than generations past. With each new generation will come even more racial and cultural tolerance because exposure with these generations to cultural diversity will be higher as the future unfolds. In conclusion, cultural diversity helps to familiarize and involve a society with the broader world, creating cohesion and understanding amongst
The more exposed a population is to foreign ideas and people, the more that population becomes desensitized to any stereotypes or prejudices. If we look at African Americans in present day America, their condition is the best that it has ever been in this country’s history mainly because newer generations of Americans are more racially tolerant than generations past. With each new generation will come even more racial and cultural tolerance because exposure with these generations to cultural diversity will be higher as the future unfolds. In conclusion, cultural diversity helps to familiarize and involve a society with the broader world, creating cohesion and understanding amongst