Person centred planning is crucial to providing quality care and support. It helps support workers find out what is important to the person they support and enables services/support plans to be built around what matters most to that individual.
Person-Centred values • Treating people as individuals • Supporting people to access their rights • Supporting people to exercise choice • Making sure people have privacy if they want it • Treating people with dignity and respect • Supporting people to be as independent as possible • Recognising that working with people is a partnership rather than a relationship controlled by professionals
I would use all the above mentioned values in all aspects of my work the main areas being Practical and physical support this would include bathing dressing and personal hygiene, understanding that the s/u is an individual may like to have a bath and not a shower may like to have time alone/unsupervised if possible. Emotional support I may be supporting someone to deal with losing someone, I should take an interest in what they say, offering empathy and understanding, giving them time to express themselves.
Finding out people’s history, preferences, wishes and needs is very important so that their support is person-centred. You can find out what they are able do for themselves. The areas where they need support and how they like to receive the support that they requires. You can find out their goals that they would like to achieve.
People and their needs should be at the centre of the support process. My role is to make sure that people have every opportunity to state exactly how they wish their needs to be met, this is especially important when the issues are difficult, sensitive or complex, some people will be able to share this information personally others will need an advocate who will support them in expressing their views.
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