CT 276 Understand How To Support Individuals With Autistic Spectrum Conditions
CONTRIBUTE TO THE SUPPORT OF PEOPLE WITH AUTISTIC SPECTRUM CONDITIONS Understand the meaning of the term “autistic spectrum conditions”
THE AUTISTIC SPECTRUM According to the National Institute of Mental Health, all children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders demonstrate deficits in, social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviours or interests. Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders do not follow the same patterns of child development. In some children, hints of future problems may be apparent from birth. Most of the time, problems in communication and social skills become more noticeable as the child lags further behind other children the same age. There are also many other disorders that often go hand and hand with ASD, such as Attention Deficit Disorder. There have been a lot of studies showing the correlation between the two. Which of course makes learning that much harder, considering it is often difficult to teach the Autistic child, due to the lack of social cues and skills. In addition, the lack of attention is often problematic. (National Institute of Mental Institute)
There is also another disorder called Fragile X syndrome, not nearly as well-known as ADHD and ASD. Although, it appears to be coming more to the forefront, as more information is becoming developed about ADHD and Autism. There appears to be a vast amount of similarities with the three disorders. Fragile X is a genetic syndrome which results in a spectrum of characteristic physical and intellect limitations and emotional and behavioural features which range from severe to mild manifestation. Fragile X is the most common known single gene cause of Autism, as well as one –third of all children diagnosed with Fragile X
References: Baio, J., & Rice, C. (2007 , 01 22). Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Retrieved 12 15, 2007, from Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: http://www.cdc.gov Dominick, D. (2006). The Profile of Memory Function in Children with Autism. Neuropsychology, 21-29. Dominick, K. (2005). Atypical behaviours in children with autism and children. Boston University School of Medicine: Elsevier. Dover, C., & Le Couteur, A. (2007). How to diagnose autism. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 540. Edelson, S. (1999). Behavioural and physiological effects of deep pressure on children with autism: a pilot study evaluating the efficacy of Grandin 's Hug Machine. American Journal of Occupational Therapy , 145-152. Lam, K., & Aman, M. (2002). Prevalence and Patterns of Use of Psychoactive Medicines in Individuals with Autism in the Autism Society of North Carolina. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology , 311-321. Landa, R., Holman, K., & Garrett-Mayer, E. (2007). Social and Communication Development in Toddlers With Early and Later Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Archives of General Psychiatry , 853-864. Panksepp, J. (1997, March 11). Interview with Professor Jaak Panksepp . (S. Edelson, Interviewer) Prizant, B., & Duchan, J. (1981). The functions of immediate echolalia in autistic children. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders , 241-249. Wiggins, L. (2007). The Utility of the Social Communication Questionnaire in Screening for Autism in Children Referred for Early Intervention. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 33-38.