As well a the new college graduates in the work force. So you are truly never aware of who might be using or the occasional user may be. Due to peer pressure ,the major concern is for our teens: curiosity, to feel good, relieve stress, or just to fit in. It is difficult to know which teens will experiment and stop and which will develop a serious problem. So with the easy production and distribution of crystal meth, we cannot just stereotype this drug abuse to one particular minority or subculture. Further more, the majority of homosexuals who report the use of crystal meth, only report it because of the contraction of HIV. So the stereotypical scapegoat for crystal meth user is a myth. Imagine you and some friends in a club dancing , you look over and see, the girl or guy next door type, overdosing. What would you have done , would have thought it was crystal meth. I don't think anyone there did. So it could happen anywhere and to anyone. We as a nation need to address the severity of this epidemic , by letting everyone know that it can effect any race, creed or sexual
As well a the new college graduates in the work force. So you are truly never aware of who might be using or the occasional user may be. Due to peer pressure ,the major concern is for our teens: curiosity, to feel good, relieve stress, or just to fit in. It is difficult to know which teens will experiment and stop and which will develop a serious problem. So with the easy production and distribution of crystal meth, we cannot just stereotype this drug abuse to one particular minority or subculture. Further more, the majority of homosexuals who report the use of crystal meth, only report it because of the contraction of HIV. So the stereotypical scapegoat for crystal meth user is a myth. Imagine you and some friends in a club dancing , you look over and see, the girl or guy next door type, overdosing. What would you have done , would have thought it was crystal meth. I don't think anyone there did. So it could happen anywhere and to anyone. We as a nation need to address the severity of this epidemic , by letting everyone know that it can effect any race, creed or sexual