This book provides relevant leadership information and lesson learned when dealing with a volatile environment. It provides insight into how Volckmann approached each challenge and the…
Leadership in war time is a dynamic process. No one particular commander is exposed to the same challenge and implements a textbook solution. While leadership doctrine is provided to commanders, it serves more as a guideline than anything else. This situation can be clearly seen in the leadership and management styles of General Frank Savage and Colonel Keith Davenport. Both of these individuals were faced with the challenge of leading a Bomber Group during World War II. Grossly undermanned and equipped, their directive from command was to give maximum effort and fly their assigned missions until replacement aircraft and personnel could be brought up to the front.…
The purpose of this paper is to professionally analyze a leader in order to identify how their attributes and competencies impacted their organization and affected my own leadership philosophy. Master Sergeant Retired Roy Benavidez is a leader whose actions positively influenced the United States Army and greatly influenced my leadership philosophy. Benavidez influenced the United States Army by aligning his core attributes, character, presence, and intellect and his core competencies, leads, develops, and achieves with Army doctrine before it existed. Benavidez’s leadership style and personal sacrifices…
Like all military officers, I was trained and groomed to be a leader from the time I raised my right hand and took the oath of office. The most important contribution to my success was the emphasis I placed on putting junior member’s needs before mine. I have a code that I live by and it has been very effective as a leader, “Take care of your people, and they will take care of…
Some characteristics that define my leadership style are prepared, trustworthy, understanding, and most important adaptable. I feel that the best example of a leader we have had in the United States is George Washington. I have tried to model my leadership style after George by finding the delicate balance between being a participant in events and also taking charge when necessary. I think that flawed leadership is when one person exhibits total control over a group of people or situation. A perfect example of me exhibiting the leadership qualities mentioned before happened this summer while on a mission trip in Jamaica. Our mission team’s project for the day was to either work on planting vegetables or cultivate parched, dry ground. I chose…
This paper will show how General Rebecca Halstead succeeded in the Army by artfully using the leadership principal of managing up, having a high level of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and by demonstrating the leadership abilities of a Theory Y leader. The paper will also contrast Halstead to other leaders who have failed in their attempt to bring changes to their organizations because they did not take into consideration the nature of the institution they wanted to change.…
Essentially, these environments represent all the challenges associated with a normal command, only compounded with factors related to communication difficulties, potential pre-conceived biases, and cultural misunderstandings. Therefore, it is critical for leaders to leverage shared values, proper cultural understanding, and commitment-focused influence, as opposed to compliance, to achieve mission success. A critical analysis of LTG William Slim’s command of the Fourteenth Army in 1943 represents each of these concepts’ application. The following will further explore each idea as executed by LTG Slim in…
As a leader the style in which you lead is important. There are several different types of leadership styles such as charismatic, servant, and innovative. I selected these three styles because I relate to all three. In this essay I will discuss how I relate to these three styles and which leader I admire and why.…
At the end of my junior year, I earned the rank Lieutenant Commander. With this rank I am in charge of the whole unit and have to know how to lead people in the best way. By going to leadership academy and a leadership conference, I realized there are different ways to lead different people. Realizing this is crucial because I cannot approach someone in a situation the same way I did with another person, I learned how to talk to certain people based on their personality.…
I have not chosen this subject lightly. To me, leadership is the key to success in military operations, in peace and in war, as it has always been through the centuries. Yet it is a subject that doesn't get the attention it deserves today. My purpose with this letter is to stimulate some thoughts, and to put leadership in the forefront of your minds, where it belongs. I want you to read carefully and seriously what I have to say.…
Leadership is a term that is heavily used in today’s society and is often times overlooked for its true meaning. In our text it is defined as “the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals” (Robbins, 01/2012, p. 368). After serving in the Marine Corps for five years I have seen many different leadership styles; some which were effective, and others that were not. The leader that had the most influence on me while serving was a Marine by the name of Major Marcus Mainz. He served as the Operations Officer for my Battalion while deployed to Iraq.…
My leadership style is best described as a funnel. My aim in leading others is not to conduct every single individual, but to guide everyone to work towards the same central goal. I believe it is best to let others bring their own unique abilities to the table and use them to accomplish the task at hand. One of my most memorable experiences as a leader was leading my school’s student section. When I came into high school, school spirit was a joke. At games, everyone sat and no one said a thing. I decided that needed to change. My fellow students didn’t want change. They told my friends and I to sit down and shut up. I kept standing, I yelled louder, and kept going. Eventually, I started a spark. By the end of my freshman year there were a group…
The purpose of this paper is to explain what leadership style Lieutenant Colonel Yaron exhibited as the commander of battalion for the evacuation operations. This paper will give three examples of his leadership action and behaviors. This paper will also analyze the leadership style that Lieutenant Colonel Daniel exhibited and give three examples of his leadership action and behaviors. It will discuss the pros and cons of each example given. This paper will then compare and contrast the two Lieutenants and it will take a look at the interrelationship using Jung theory and the four personality traits.…
The creed of the noncommissioned officer is a baseline for all noncommissioned officers Corporal all the way up to Sergeant Major, on how to conduct oneself in the leading of soldiers. It does not outline every single situation you may come into throughout your military career but if you live this creed then you should be set for success. In this paper we are going to take an in depth look into the creed and how you can apply every aspect of it to leadership.…
My leadership philosophy is about making genuine connections to people. In order to influence people to be great leaders, all the key factors should be tapped in to in some capacity. I make sure my actions speak louder than my word. I lead by example by rolling up my sleeves and showing team members I am not just an army civilian but a part of the team. This philosophy applies to my life whether at work or home. I credit these key factor as the core of becoming a great and effective…