Indica Mendoza
October 30, 2014
Joseph Magil
Myths are tales told throughout time for generations to pronounce how the world was designed and created. These creation stories also tell how originally the first people came to inhabit it. There are a wide variety of altered myths for different cultures that try to explain exactly how the world came to be from the very beginning. For example, the Inca people came to believe the creator of their world was Pachacamac the sun. According to Distant Train (2007), “Pachacamac was so bright that nothing else could be seen in the sky but him. But the night sky was empty; so he made the stars, the planets and the moon. The moon Pachamama became his wife and together they both ruled earth and the sky. Pachacamac first man …show more content…
According to Distant Train (2007), “ALOM was the god of the sky, COYOPA was the ruler of the sound of thunder. TOHIL was the god of fire, YUM CIMIL was the Death God (also called Ah Puch), or god of the underworld. XIB CHAC was the Mayan rain god”. The difference Between the Mayans and the Inca the Mayans had believed that the universe was divided into thirteen layers. Each of these layers had its own god. Another difference was their creators weren’t a man or women like the Inca’s. A thing that they had in common where earth the sky and the gods and goddesses different names but semi the same. According to Distant Train (2007), “For reasons still unknown Mayan civilization went into decline”. The ruins that was left behind was almost demolished by the Spanish. The down fall to the Inca Empire and culture was largely destroyed by the Spanish as well. While these myths come from different cultures they have very similar thing in common. Although they might be myths who knows if some parts can be