what I thought was intriguing about this poem is each stanza starts with a similie like does it stink like rotten meat? and the poem also uses a lot of imagery and makes the peom have a certain feeling to it. when the author use rotten meat it has a negative connotation to it being that it is like the whole theme of the story which is a a dream that is being held back, the author Hughes also makes the reader think more through the use of analogies like does it dry up? or do fester like a sore? which is basically give way to a suggestion as to what can happen with a dream and hughes is suggesting that dreams that are not fulfilled or accomplished can make someone who is trying to see them come true become very bitter and angry at the fact making their life very difficult and is mainly targeting minorioties at a time in America where there was a senses of hoplesness for them and basically giving the reader a insight as to how people at athat time felt, and how it created what many are today due to the fact of injustice and discrimination by white people and the affect that it had on their lives and how it would continue to affect their …show more content…
which makes it more realtable to understand and fell the emotion that huhghes was feeling at that time being afriacan American in America at a time where thery were treated unfairly and poorly because of the color of their skin and not who they were or the things that African maericans wanted to accomplish because it did not matter to white America as they control the power in ameirca and didi not want to see a black man become successful or bigger than them as it would make them feel like their world is no longer theirs and gives them a sense of insecurity that their no longer in power and the only way to mauintian their power in America would be through oppressing other people and taking advantage of as many people as they could but never letting them be anything bigger than what they had wanted, so to me for Langston hughes to have he dreams fufuilled he would have still faced prosecution because being a successful black man in America and respectable would not be allowed by white America and would have had to deal with more issues and problems and maybe even recive harted from his own people as they would have looked at it as hughes having special treatment and would have accomplished all of his dreams but still feel empty inside because it would never matter to white people or white America as they have no soft spot in their heart to show love and emotion that is guenuie other than if it is beifical to them or it creates a sense of exicment for them kind of like a