
Connections and Information Acquisition in Capital Allocation

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Connections and Information Acquisition in Capital Allocation
Connections and Information Acquisition in Capital Allocation
Mariassunta Giannetti

Xiaoyun Yu

Stockholm School of Economics,

Kelley School of Business


Indiana University

August 2010

This paper was previously circulated under the title “Favoritism or Markets in Capital Allocation?”
We thank Franklin Allen, Utpal Bhattacharya, Philip Bond, Brian Bucks, Chun Chang, Todd Gormley,
Denis Gromb, Dalida Kadyrzhanova, Chandra Kanodia, Diana Knyazeva, Ross Levine, Matej Marinc, John
McConnell, Giovanna Nicodano, Marco Pagano, Paul Povel, Raj Singh, Javier Suarez, Mathias Thoenig,
Tan Wang, Andy Winton, and seminar participants at the AFA (San Francisco), the EFA (Ljubljana), the
RICAFE2 Conference (Amsterdam), the Stockholm School of Economics, the Indian School of Business
Summer Research Conference in Finance (Hyderabad), the Conference on Corporate Governance in Family/Unlisted Firms (Thun), the CEPR/Studienzentrum European Summer Symposium in Financial Markets
(Gerzensee), the Conference on The Changing Geography of Banking (Ancona), the ECB Conference on
Financial System Modernization and Economic Growth in Europe (Berlin), the European Winter Finance
Conference (Andermatt), the 17th Annual Financial Economics and Accounting Conference (Atlanta), the
University of Frankfurt, Bocconi University, the MIT/Tsinghua University China International Conference in Finance (Chengdu), and the Workshop on Institutions, Contracts and Growth (Barcelona) for valuable comments. This paper was started when Yu was visiting the Swedish Institute for Financial Research, which we thank for the generous hospitality. Giannetti also acknowledges …nancial support from the Swedish
National Science Foundation (Vetenskaprådet), the Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation and the
European Commission (grant CIT5-CT-2006-028942).

Electronic copy available at:

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