The purpose of this paper will be to prove that the flow of information between individuals and the masses through the form of pamphlets helped create the ideological ground necessary for the war.
I will prove this by showing how the American colonies were uniquely suited for pamphlets to be effective, with a long history of both education and opinion
I will prove how influential writers used the pamphlet to disseminate ideas, and how this was not possible in other forms of media
-Thomas Paine
-Letters from a Pennsylvania farmer
A sense of community among the colonies
The Revolutionary war occurred for many reasons- economics, the need for expansion, etc. However, before it occurred there was a period of time wherein the contention between Britain and her colonies was expressed in a war of words. While the events that would set into motion the revolution occurred, there was constant commentary from the people who lived through them and those who merely had an opinion. …show more content…
In this paper I intend to prove that the pamphlet was an instrumental part of the Revolution, helping to foment the political atmosphere to the point that men were ready to take up arms against Great Britain. These printed diatribes were unique and the nation would never see them play a role quite like this again in the course of its events, but for the time period they existed the pamphlet was uniquely suited for American consumption and allowed for some of the greatest thinkers behind the patriot and loyalist causes to expound on their views to the