Fitting into the city is hard for everyone, having to fit in into a new place, finding new people to hang out with and a new schedule to get used to can be hard. It's just like switching schools. In Through Black Spruce, Annie goes to Toronto which is very different from where she is from; she is used to living in her small country life. When she reached the city, it was a whole new world to her. When Annie reached Toronto she said:
"The first time being drowned in a …show more content…
In Through Black Spruce, Annie, who is an insecure person, had to go find her sister Suzanne in a big city where and bring her back home. She had to go and hang out with people she never usually hang out with and did things which she never thought she would do. *insert quote about when Annie does drugs/drinks* In Alias Grace, Simon had to take of Grace and make sure that Grace lets her feelings out to help him for the case. The characters that I'm comparing both shows how both characters find themselves near the ending of the texts. In Through Black Spruce, Annie later on accepted herself for who she is and understood that she didn't need to change herself for people to like her. *insert quote of Annie accepting herself* People like Gordon, her uncle, her mom and Suzanne all surround her with love for who she is. In Alias Grace, Simon finds himself liking Grace who is a forbidden person to love since she is a criminal. As he thought: "It comes to him that Grace Marks is the only woman he's ever met that he would wish to marry."
But Simon understood that he couldn't be able to marry her so he let her