Many people’s only knowledge of 1984 is the fact that Big Brother is an omnipotent overlord who has the power to erase his opposition from existence and most people do not have any knowledge of Brave New World at all, meaning that when an individual hears a comparison between America and either novel, he or she does not have all of the relevant information needed to make an informed decision about the accuracy of the …show more content…
I believe that these comparisons may be similarly inaccurate to comparisons between America and 1984 and Brave New World. Perhaps there are aspects of all of these novels that exist in modern America that account for the popularity of each novel in recent years, which is something that I would like to explore further and learn more about.
If I had unlimited time and resources, I would be to encourage people who have not yet read 1984 and Brave New World to read at least one of the novels so that they can become more aware of the inaccuracies of the comparisons made in the media. In reading 1984, I realized that the societal makeup of Oceania was quite different than the impression of the society that I had based on the comparisons that I had heard in the media. If others become aware of this fact, a form of political rhetoric used to demean opposition could be eliminated and the function of the government could become less