From 3500-1500 BCE, Mesopotamia and Egypt emerged as two of the first river- valley civilizations. Although they came to be around the same time, they became different in their cultural aspects, such as universal views and classes, and economies due to differences in commerce.…
In both societies, the patriarchal leaders were influenced by religion tremendously. For example, in Egypt, all the citizens believed that not only did their pharoah have “powers”, but he was God in human form, allowing them to have more power over people. As a result, religion became more intertwined within politics, and even back then it was hard to tell them apart.This is shown with the many tombs they designed for themselves, called the Great Pyramids. With religion in political structure was an effective tactic because the Mesopotamians feared their gods since their Gods’ punishments included making rivers flood unpredictably Also, like in Mesopotamia, in Egypt below the pharaohs were nobles and priests, and at the very bottom were slaves. By having patriarchal societies, rulers were often influenced by priests, and many decisions were based off of their polytheistic religion. Although both civilizations had rulers, Egypt only had one ruler whereas Mesopotamia had many.…
The First Civilizations for the River Valley differed among class systems, gender roles, and even trading. Class systems determined whether or not you were high in ranking. Mesopotamia and Egypt both had different views on these class systems. Egypt had pharaohs, which were basically wealthy kings and queen who can control mass numbers of people. Gender roles between these civilizations varied between upper class men and woman to slaves. Upper class men and woman had more freedom than the enslaved people. Slaves were used strictly for work, and they received seldom food and shelter in return. Mesopotamia did not have that many natural resources; therefore, they had to trade with other civilizations to get the necessary needs. Egypt, on the…
Another similarity between these two societies is that they are divided into social classes. In both of them, the King is in the first class followed by wealthy merchants and then the farmers, unskilled workers, and all the other people. Basically the social classes in Mesopotamia and Egypt are based on power, money and skills. One difference between both of these societies is that they Egypt give women more rights then the women in Mesopotamia. In Mesopotamia women could only own property and could divorce their husbands. Meanwhile, in Egypt women could not only divorce and own property, but also they could also manage and sell properties and trade. In short, while in Mesopotamia women’s rights were…
The root of the differences between the Mesopotamian cultures lies within the politics. The two cultures operated very differently as Mesopotamia was ruled regionally while Egypt used a more centralized government. Kings in the Mesopotamian region formed city states ruled by leaders of their armies while they just oversaw what was going on via these mediums. On the other hand, Egyptian culture featured “god-kings” or pharaohs that controlled much larger expanses of land than Mesopotamian leaders did. Logically, it makes sense that this would occur because of the differences in influence for these two regions. For example, unification of Egypt was inspired by Sudan’s use of small kingdoms that governed the agriculture of the rulers. The Egyptians then faced competition which caused their small kingdoms to conquer neighboring kingdoms to the point where they controlled much larger territories. The notion of kings and pharaohs leads into another difference. Mesopotamian societies featured monarchies as they were led by kings while Egyptians had a theocracy as pharaohs were divine rulers. In Mesopotamia it is figured that their monarchs evolved from men making decisions on behalf of their whole…
Through history there have been many different civilizations, a civilization develops, political, social, economical agriculture and religious aspects. Mesopotamia and Egypt are two different civilizations but still share some characteristics, because all humans have needs to solve, but each civilization adapts their own way of living.…
Known as one of the earliest civilizations, Mesopotamia and Egypt both share set amounts of similarities along with a share of striking distinctions. Environmentally, these two civilizations were formed in similar surroundings, yet their weather patterns show distinctions. Politically, both governments derived from a monarch, yet their laws and punishments distinguished the two’s court systems. Economically, they both shared prosperous success in similar manners. Socially, although the two lands followed a hierarchy, the value of women contrasted. Culturally, they both believed in a higher order of creation; however, their views of them were polar opposites. Intellectually, these two societies developed skilled abilities and creations that changed history forever.…
Egypt was a monarchy and Mesopotamia was a democracy. In Egypt, the Pharaoh was in charge of making laws and owned everything, meanwhile, in Mesopotamia, there were many kings in different city-states and they did not own people’s belongings. A difference is that the land was measured differently. In Mesopotamia, they divided the land into city-states. Also, both civilizations thought differently about their kings. In Egypt, the Pharaoh was considered a god. Meanwhile, Mesopotamia believed that the kings weren’t gods so they didn’t worship them as gods. At one point, when the Assyrians were expanding a lot, the city-state got cut up into provinces. The ancient egyptians wrote hieroglyphics about the profits, costs and laws civilians made. In Mesopotamia, the scribes would draw pictograms on clay boards. While Egyptians trusted their justice goddess to teach right from wrong among their citizens, Mesopotamians would follow Hammurabi's law that demanded and Eye for an Eye. With this law, the offended person would be free to do the same thing he suffered at the hands of the criminal. In Mesopotamia would have a voice and a vote for city matters as going to war or not meanwhile Egypt didn’t have a voice. Everything was decided by the Pharaoh. So after all, there are differences and similarities between these dissimilar civilizations that…
These civilizations carried out their role of kingship in very different ways. The Egyptians operated under a centralized government. In egypt the highest religious leader and main authority was the pharaoh. The pharaoh was at the top of all social classes and was recognized to be a god like figure and had an immense power over egyptian society. Egyptian pharaohs were referred to as the sons of Re and the egyptians believed he was a living god on earth. The pharaoh was expected to maintain universal peace and order through his kingship and divine power. The pharaoh ruled through bueaucracy and his highest ranking assistant was a vizier. The pharaoh would lead projects such as pyramids, tombs and statues that covered Egypt.The Mesopotamians had separate, self controlled city state governments. Each city state worked as a separate political and ecommic units so there was less national unity under Mesopotamian governnment. Mesopotamians had a less detinct social hierarchies. Mesopotamia the monarchs are priest kings whom serve the…
To begin with, Egypt and Mesopotamia had common geographical conditions. Their climates were both dominated by great rivers. Egypt was dominated by the Nile and Mesopotamia had the Tigris and Euphrates. Both areas developed in the same time span. Mesopotamia had many types of diffrent people, each with thier own language, religion, and customs which made it difficult to generalize about Mesopotamia than ancient Egypt. During Mesopotamia's reign the earliest Sumerian communities had agricultural settlements on the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Unlike Upper Egypt, the land their was flat so they had to use dikes and canals to prevent flooding during the rain season. It also helped them provide water for the rest of the year. (Cunningham, Reich 6). As for ancient Egypt their total area was only a little bigger than the state of Maryland. At the delta of the Nile was Lower Egypt, broad and flat, within easy reach of neighboring parts of the Mediterranean. Upper Egypt was more isolated from foreign contacts, and consisted of a long narrow strip of fertile soil. Like Mesopotamia their agriculture was affected by the yearly flooding of the river. Egypt was divided into thirty-one dynasties by an Egyptian priest, Manetho which lead to them geting divided into four groups the Old, Middle, New, and Late periods. The…
In conclusion there were many similarities and differences between Mesopotamia and Egypt. They both created different things to try to improve societies. They were similar in some aspects and different in…
Early civilizations were built near rivers because of the many resources and advantages of the rivers. RIvers could provide transportation, food, drink, and fertile soil. Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia were two river valley civilizations, and were very important to the beginning of mankind in the historic-era. A river valley civilization is deeply affected by the river it is situated upon. The river can affect all aspects of the life in the civilizations, including political aspects, economic aspects, religious aspects, social aspects, intellectual aspects, and architectural aspects. In Egyptian society, the Nile river was very consistent and predictable with its flooding, rather than Mesopotamia, where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers were very sporadic with their flooding, and caused Mesopotamian societies to be very different. One major difference between the Egyptian and Mesopotamian societies, was the government. In Egypt, there were many peasant villages all under one king, the Pharaoh. In Mesopotamia, there were city-states with kings to govern smaller areas because of the hectic rivers that surrounded Mesopotamia. There were also a lot of similarities between the two civilizations. They both had very religious centered societies and had polytheistic views. Also, they both traded a lot, and even fought wars over trade.…
In comparing both they had important similarities corresponding to their society, some of their features were from early civilizations. Both Egypt and Mesopotamia foreground power structure, with a noble, landowning group on the near top and a…
The varying political systems of Mesopotamia and Egypt have many similarities and differences. They vary in the way of how their kingdoms changed over time. However they are the same in their rulers.…
Socially, Mesopotamia and Egypt are very similar in such ways like they both have social classes. Both Mesopotamian and Egyptian social classes strongly reflect one another with the priests and kings at the top, followed by the wealthy people, then the common people, then the slaves, however in Egypt, slaves could climb up the social ladder by marrying someone in another class. In Mesopotamia, slaves…