The Achilles heel of most business is profit, the ability to keep up those margins and cut losses. Company Q's bottom line was too shallow resulting in the closing of two stores. Both locations were in heavy metropolitan areas with high crime rates and poor neighborhoods. Such actions can have a ripple effect on the community, causing current issues to intensify while adding to unemployment. Poverty that already existed within the community will be more prevalent now. The increase in poverty will hurt the other stores still open, as they will now be targeted for theft. Company Q 's decision to throw away day old items is not socially responsible. They are being socially irresponsible by putting needs of the company first and disregarding the needs of the community. Furthermore, Company Q is being wasteful by throwing food away that could be used by the less fortunate. Company Q is also labeling good employees as untrustworthy employees. This can create tension between owners and staff. The actions of company Q are going to hurt their business in the long run, because community and staff will notice the lack of social responsibility. People want to shop at and work for a place they are proud of and feel loyal to. …show more content…
The former employees may have lost what they needed to stay out of trouble and not contribute to the negative. The neighborhoods that shop at these locations were also displaced and had to find a new grocery store. In this case, former workers and communities were negatively effected by Company Q closing two stores. Company Q should reconsider their decision to not donate day old food to local shelters in hopes too gain community trust back. Donating to the food banks in the neighborhoods where the old stores were shut down would help a great