Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator (pronounced folopitor) was the last pharaoh in the Ptolemy line (pronounced Polemy) There were many other rulers before her in her family but she is the one that everyone remembers. Cleopatra was not actually Egyptian she was from a Greek family and was the only one in her family to show an interest in learning the Egyptian language.…
If you want to feel like the Queen of the Nile, you could try using some of Cleopatra's ancient beauty secrets. Scientists and archeologists have studied the beauty treatments and procedures used in the old Egyptian civilizations.…
Cleopatra was able to keep the throne of Egypt during the height of the Roman Empire by captivating and creating an alliance built on love with two powerful Greek rulers.…
Then her father turned and killed Berenice leaving Cleopatra da 7th the heir to the throne…
* She was a very beautiful woman who possessed a great strength of character. Men were afraid of her but also were seduced by her. Here was a woman who wasn’t afraid of using her sexuality to achieve what she wanted. Egypt under her reign was seen by Rome to be a…
Elizabeth Taylor portrayed Cleopatra in the 1963 film, where compared to the 1917 film, she was more sexualised, yet more intellectual and political as women are seen as less dangerous when in power as women in the USA have had the ability to vote for 43 years. Whilst there is a more political Cleopatra, mimicking the currents affairs of the UN as says ‘one world… not one world, one nation.’ (Cleopatra, 1963 in ‘Cleopatra’, 2008; see transcript p.4). It still does not replicate the changes in the world in…
Cleopatra has been viewed through the centuries as a cunning seductress. In Cleopatra: A Life, Pulitzer Prize-winning Stacy Schiff gives back Cleopatra her reality: She was extremely intelligent, well educated, a powerful leader and a gifted strategist. Schiff provides an unraveling of fact and fiction regarding the highly mythologized Cleopatra. Schiff discusses many elements of her life, including Cleopatra and her rise to and fall from power, as a leader, her relationships with Caesar and Antony, her role as a mother and her affiliation with the goddess Isis. (tied into Motherhood).…
5.1 Explain why it is important to have positive relationships with adults in the play environment…
Cleopatra was born in the city of Alexandria in 69B.C. When she was born her father, King Ptolemy XII (12th) had been in power for 10 years. Originating from Rome, Cleopatra’s father only kept in power accordingly only because of the Roman army. The weak man was accordingly self-indulgent, powerless who ruled his country with no respect and dignity. Cleopatra’s father Ptolemy XII (12th) was disliked and all around bad king nevertheless Egypt suffered. Egypt grew poorer, so the lower class began to suffer. Frustrated, the people of Egypt drove Ptolemy XII (12th) out of the country and back to his home, Rome. He left his 5 children in Alexandria in 58 B.C., leaving his second oldest daughter Berenice to rule Egypt. Determined to get back to power, Ptolemy XII (12th) got help from the Roman army and had his own…
In Stacy Schiff’s award winning biography, Cleopatra: A Life, she penetrates the life of Queen Cleopatra and breaks down her origin, major events, and all the other accomplishments of the young queen. This would be a very pleasing book for readers who really want to know more about Queen Cleopatra or are just learning of her. The author provided a great deal of detail to the life of Cleopatra when it came to the queen’s origin and uprising to power. Schiff went into great depth with the structure of her novel in how she exclaimed how Cleopatra rose to the throne at age eighteen and the many ways she sustained her power in the kingdom as well as making allies. The author’s tone and interpretation of Cleopatra really make this book that much better in my opinion. But I could not really decipher the author’s thesis but to the best of my ability I see it as the author is trying to get her readers to envision Cleopatra in a whole new light as the powerful queen that Schiff sees.…
She was well-educated and intelligent, two of some of her most powerful traits that she used to her advantage. She was wealthy and powerful, a woman who ruled over one of the greatest Kingdoms of her time and who was a skilled diplomat who knew how to showcase her personality and her affluence. She managed to make negotiations with two powerful men, also capturing their hearts as well with her striking personality. Her rule was influential and her mark on history is still fresh and relevant to this day. She knew exactly where she stood and she was not afraid to display her dominance and her authority, which was thought to be divine in that day. She personally led her own army into battle alongside her husband and even though they were defeated, it was still a gallant act that perfectly showcased her bravery and her unquestionable authority. After losing the battle, both Cleopatra and Antony knew that it was over for the both of them and so they both chose to take their own lives while watching their kingdom become a Roman province, marking the end of Egypt’s independence and autonomy. If it had not been for her alliance with either Caesar or Antony, history would have taken a very different course than it originally had. If Antony had not betrayed Rome in the…
Cleopatra VII, who is now known as Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, was born in Alexandria in the year of 69 BC. Her father was King Ptolemy Auletes and her mother was Cleopatra V. Although Queen Cleopatra and her family ruled Egypt, they were not Egyptian. They are said to be Macedonian, coming from descendants of Macedonia. Queen Cleopatra was the third born child of six. She had two older sisters, Cleopatra VI and Berenice IV, a younger…
Cleopatra (69BC- 12TH August, 30BC) was the last active pharaoh of Egypt. She reigned from the 51 – 12 August 30 BC (for 21 years). After her death Egypt became a region where the Roman Empire was newly established. Cleopatra was an associate of the Ptolemaic dynasty house, also born into a family of Macedonian Greek origin. Which then controlled Egypt during the Hellenistic period after the death of Alexander the Great. She characterized and described herself as a reincarnation of Isis the Egyptian goddess. The Egyptian pharaoh collectively ruled with her father and later with her two brothers that, she also married which was traditionally done in Egyptian customs. Cleopatra ultimately became a sole ruler and was intimate with Julius Caesar…
Cleopatra VII ruled ancient Egypt as co-regent (first with her two younger brothers and then with her son) for almost three decades. She became the last in a dynasty of Macedonian rulers founded by Ptolemy, who served as general under Alexander the Great during his conquest of Egypt in 332 B.C. Well-educated and clever, Cleopatra could speak various languages and served as the dominant ruler in all three of her co-regencies. Her romantic liaisons and military alliances with the Roman leaders Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, as well as her supposed exotic beauty and powers of seduction, earned her an enduring place in history and popular myth. Since no contemporary accounts exist of Cleopatra's life, it is difficult to piece together her biography with much certainty. Much of what is known about her life comes from the work of Greco-Roman scholars, particularly Plutarch. Born in 70 or 69 B.C., Cleopatra was a daughter of Ptolemy XII (Auletes). Her mother was believed to be Cleopatra V Tryphaena, the king's wife (and possibly his half-sister). In 51 B.C., upon the apparently natural death of Auletes, the Egyptian throne passed to 18-year-old Cleopatra and her 10-year-old brother, Ptolemy XIII.…
Such great looks and talent came along the idea of Caesar being a “womanizer and a sodomite” (Garland ) as Suetonius describes the reaction of the public to Caesar as being “every woman’s man and every man’s woman” linking to the concept of him being strongly admired by many Roman people at his time. He encountered many relationships at his time including Cleopatra who wasn’t even from the same country at him. His charm had an affect everywhere he…