A logical way that Chipotle can grow is to expand internationally and domestically. The company should focus their effort on to expanding to different countries outside the U.S. Many other fast food chain has successfully tap into the international markets. Such companies include McDonald, Starbucks, KFC, and many more. One major potential growth for Chipotle is the branch out to Asia. “Emerging and Developing economies dominated the period between 2006 and 2015. Emerging and Developing Asia, in particular, grew at an average annual pace of 8 %” …show more content…
The main reason for this is because of high rates of competitors. With the low barriers of entry, many companies cannot compete with an industry with many alternatives. What lead Chipotle being successful today is because of their concept. They provide customers with fast and healthy food and becoming more aware on customer’s trends. There are many opportunities that Chipotle can dominant the market only if management are ready with the right strategy. Expanding their brand internationally will provide Chipotle a bigger market. Chipotle is a very organize operation and will continue for potential growth. Chipotle will continue to provide with customers wants. With the large population being more health conscious, Chipotle can become the top competitor in this