Children who wished to leave armed groups and resume a civilian life told Human Rights Watch they had few options to do so. Saleh, 17, said he fought with the Free Syrian Army at 15 after he was detained and tortured by government security forces. He later joined Ahrar al-Sham, then left to join the Jund al-Aqsa, an independent Islamist armed group. “I thought of leaving [the fighting] a lot,” he said. “I lost my studies, I lost my future, I lost everything. I looked for work, but there’s no work. This is the most difficult period for me.” [If we don’t take him,] he’ll go fight on his own,” Abu Rida, leader of the Saif Allah …show more content…
Also some child soldiers got money just ask Amr who said “ he received $100 US a month. Other got +$135 US a month ,but some got nothing as well. All of the armed forces groups have not done enough to prevent children from joining as well. Three officers in various FSA units said that they don’t take children under 18, but they do actually take them in under 18 they said they “didn’t turn them away when they came to them eager to fight. “16, 17 is not young. [If we don’t take him,] he’ll go fight on his ow/n,” Abu Rida, leader of the Saif Allah al-Maslool brigade, an FSA group in Daraa, said” (Khalil