a) Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT - the infant learns how to hold a teddy bear or spoon to feed themselves.
LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT - they start to make noises of happiness like squealing with delight and happy cries.
SOCIAL AMD EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT - they start sharing feelings with their parent while still developing these with unfamiliar people.
INTERLLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT - they respond to noises like familiar voices,music,and lights for example when the lights bounce off the television onto the ceiling,they follow these with their heads and eyes . they also try to copy facial movements like when an adult talks to them this is another way of communication.
6-12 MONTHS:
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT - at this stage you can expect the child to try new things like sitting up and supporting themselves, trying to move about from one object to another by crawling or bum shuffling, they also communicate with you by letting you know when they want picking up they will put both hands in the air and clench and unclench their fists.
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT - they start to enjoy been introduced to games such as peek-a-boo as an interaction,sometimes at this age they have feelings towards objects and how they make them feel like a toy or a blanket as a comforter these objects can make an infant feel happy at home or feel better and safe in unfamiliar surroundings.
INTERLLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT - the child starts to begin to realize that other children and adults are all separate people.
LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT - the child starts to develop more sounds going from cooing to babbling as a way of communication also trying to copy others in their words they are saying words like mamma and dadda, as well as developing a giggle and laugh.
1-2 YEARS:
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT - infants really start to become a proper little person as they try to walk, wave goodbye,shake their head to mean no,the amount of physical development they learn and use is a long learning process for them as they try to gain some sort of independence by trying to feed themselves, get up the stairs, hold a crayon and draw lines also picking objects up that they have dropped.
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT - the infant starts learning to play with other children , they can sometimes co-operate but can also be very easily distracted by other things going on and also from unwanted behavior as well as trying to please adults and performing to an audience as part of been sociable while showing and learning their emotions.
INTERLLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT - the child starts to imitate and copy others while trying out different ways of behaving in play or example been happy or sad.
LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT - the child starts to get an understanding of key words which are used in everyday sentences. they also start trying to put single words together to make a phrase. there level of language is starting to pick up very well as they start to use between 30-150 words which leads to them trying to understand the usefulness of conversation with each other and their piers by the age of two.
2-3 YEARS:
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT - at this age they learn to kneel down to play and build towers using bricks this also helps with their hand eye co-ordination of kicking and throwing a ball around.
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT - the child between the age of two and three start to act out impulsively meaning needs must be met straightaway and tantrums often occur . children of this age tend to enjoy playing with older children as they get the attention that they crave.
INTERLLTUAL DEVELOPMENT - at the age of around two and three they start to become more confident in the things they do but still find themselves needing reassurance from adults.
LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT - children start to get very curious and ask questions such as why? and what? while trying to make a sentence of words that they have learned. they start to draw a bit more than just lines or marks with a crayon. they are learning to sing songs while learning the actions to with it, especially as the child turns three there word sound has increased into several hundred words.
3-4 YEARS:
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT - they would of learned by now how to jump with both feet together, paint a picture, thread beads onto string, walk up and down freely and have grasped how to feed themselves properly. as they get to four they learn how to ride a bike with stabilizers cutting up paper using scissors and are starting to draw things like people and houses.
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT - they start to become helpful towards adults and are very keen to please, and at the same time becoming more sociable with children and are to share with them .
INTERLLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT - the child can be asked to do a few simple tasks and are able to do them as they now understand. for example ( can u please take this banana to your dad and then put the peel in the bin thank-you) while learning all sorts of complex things the child is understanding how to separate objects by size and color.
LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT - when they draw now there movement and strokes become more controlled than before there word count has also increased at an incredible rate as they can say around 1000-1500 words and some of them are in the past tense.
4-5 YEARS:
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT - At this age the child becomes more fluent in adding moves to things like catching a ball not just throwing it and beginning to draw shapes and letters.
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT- They start to develop an understanding of rules but still need guidance to help them share and resolve disputes children are now making more friends and start to play games a lot better.
INTERLLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT - At the age of 4-5 the child starts to get an understanding of similarity and differences in a number of aspects in life.
LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT - There vocabulary is becoming more better than it was, they start questioning more things for example why is the sky blue? why is the sun yellow? they start to speak clearly even getting ideas out there to their friends and adults, during the school year they start to begin recognizing their own name and even try to write it out.`
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT - At this stage the child usually has the confidence to ride a bike, climb and drop from a height and has been learning how to do up their buttons and shoe laces by the age of seven they can usually do this.
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT - This age the child starts to help others whether its another child or adult.
INTERLLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT - They begin to understand that differences can exist side by side they also start to have a perspective on things that are the same but seem different or example eight sweets on a plate look different to eight sweets in a bowl.
LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT - At this age they are able to make up stories instead of reading a book there imagination is linked to helping their speech, they can understand words written down in a book and read most of them if not all of them clearly also link letters to sounds using phonics for example ch ch ch ch is linked to the sound of a train.
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT - At eight years old a child should be able to play games as part of a team they can still get things wrong but their confidence is still growing and they learn how to correct their mistakes they make, they also have confidence in running, jumping all the basic skills they learnt through the earlier years.
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Between these ages they go through a number of trials and tribulations as part of growing up there becoming a strong individual with a lot more emotions than there use to leading to falling out's with friends, having arguments disagreements that often need adult help to sort out. A child starts to develop traits like shyness and bossiness, they start to realize that the behavior they are displaying isn’t always acceptable so their earning the right way to behave and act.
INTERLLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT - The child becomes slightly independent they will read to themselves instead of you reading to them, get their snacks out of the cupboard get their juice and breakfast they seem to be more aware of what they like and dislike while taking an interest in a varied range of subjects for example school lessons, food, music groups.
LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT - They are learning the difference in their tenses and grammars, their vocabulary is constantly growing the more new words they hear or hear what the meanings are, the more their level of language will progress and grow.
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT - This stage of life is the transition period from child to young adult both the male and female bodies are changing at a very fast pace although some girls have already reached maturity and development of breasts and pubic hair while their body’s start to become curvy getting itself ready for woman-hood girls generally mature a lot quicker than boys but that doesn't mean they find the changes easy, boys adolescence starts around the age of 14 but they are normally bigger than girls by the end of the change for boys although the pubic hair developing is the same as girls their voices start to change and deepen they also tend to notice some change and growth around the scrotum area.
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVLEOPMENT - When they get to the stage we call teenage years we don’t always understand what their going through as we can easily forget what we was like at their age. They do go through a lot emotionally and physically there body’s are changing they can start to even be a little self conscious about themselves or example spots due to skin becoming oily, odors they have never experienced before. With all these feelings they have they start to get an attraction to the opposite sex start to turn to their friends more instead of parents and forming proper solid friendships while it is a scary stage in life for the young adult becoming more independent its scary for the parents as well as to how they will manage and cope with the changes.
INTERLLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT - This stage is the most complicated and confusing time for the young adult as they start to get a more mature mind and start behaving differently to how or what they use to and start to put their life into perspective like concentrating more on their studies wanting to meet someone settle down, get a good job become married and have children while in the teenage stage of life they start taking everything they have learnt on board everything they have learnt verbally and physically while still learning and adding to these at the same time they start to get their own identity more so than before they try to stand on their own two feet and sort things out for themselves instead of their friends and family.
LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT - When a child becomes a teenager their language changes they suddenly have an attitude, sarcasm, a sense of funniness when they talk this can be quite annoying but there just testing the language barrier while we don’t agree with their language and attitudes there just practicing there intellectual skills and testing their language skills through debating whether we agree or not.
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