Child abuse is a growing epideictic in the world. Most of us will never understand why parents or caregivers would use violence towards a child, especially towards their own children. It's sickening and heartbreaking how so many children have to suffer throughout their life getting physically or sexually abuse and the majority of the time most of child abuse cases are never reported. A Child Called It, a very popular memoir about a young boy’s survival through child abuse, is a painful read. Dave Pelzer, a young boy was abused most of his childhood life by his alcoholic mother. There are many stories and reports of child abuse, for instance a mother comes…
“There are several types of child abuse, but the core element that ties them together is the emotional effect on the child. Children need predictability, structure, clear boundaries, and the knowledge that their parents are looking out for their safety. Abused children cannot predict how their parents will act. Their world is an unpredictable, frightening place with no rules. Whether the abuse is a slap, a harsh comment, stony silence, or not knowing if there will be dinner on the table tonight, the end result is a child that feel unsafe, uncared for, and alone.” – Melinda Smith…
Children are suffering from a hidden epidemic of child abuse and neglect. Every year more than 3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States involving more than 6 million children (a report can include multiple children). The United States has one of the worst records among industrialized nations – losing on average between four and seven children every day to child abuse and neglect. 1, 2…
Recent periods of social progress and development have seen many concepts and constructs receive widespread attention to what can be described as negative behaviours and one concept and area in particular to receive this attention is abuse. Any response to find a solution to a problem whilst remaining effective and appropriate can experience various complications as there can be an inability to provide a clear and detailed definition of what it actually constitutes, provision of evidence that remains compelling and substantial and taking on board the cultural, social and political considerations and factors that are relevant to the society pertinent to the discussion will receive complications. This lack of clearness in its debate has led to the development of additional descriptions alongside abuse such as psychological maltreatment (Garbino, Guttman&Seeley, 1986), further confusing the issue and its resolution but in spite of this confusion their has been much learned from what attempts have been made in the exploration and analysis of abuse and this discussion will try to identify different types of abuse,expain why particular groups or individuals may be vulnerable ,its differing contexts,risk factors associated and ensure the impact of cultural and social factors on the range of abuse is analysed thoroughly.…
Nicholas reported that after arguing with his mom (Yvonne) about running late for school she slapped him twice in the face (open handed) and punched him in the nose with her fist. His brother, Dustin, told Yvonne that was abuse and she slapped him again. Nicholas stated that Yvonne has hit him before but could not give any a date. Nicholas was very upset. When asked if he felt safe Nicholas said he wasn't sure. No bruising or swelling was…
Maltreatment, when defined, is the cruel or violent treatment of a person or animal. In the psychological sense, maltreatment is almost always defined as child abuse. There are different ways to execute child maltreatment, but the most common are physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. Abuse also has many variables, such as race, gender, health, and social class. Ultimately, adolescent maltreatment most often leads to mental, impulse-control, and conduct issues.…
B. Gender is a major factor is sexual abuse. Females are 5 times more likely to be abuse over males. ( sexual abuse facts 2000)…
Research Proposal: Are Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse More Likely to Engage in Sexual Activity at Earlier Ages than Non-Abused…
Child abuse occurs in many different ways, but all ending in the same result- severe emotional and physical harm. The most obvious types of abuse are physical and sexual due to the fact that they leave actual physical evidence behind. Emotional abuse and neglect are also serious types of abuse, but are not as easily detected. “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. This old saying could not be further from the truth (Rennie 2013). Emotional abuse may seem as if it is invisible, but it involves behavior that interferes with the child’s mental health and social development, thus leaving lifelong psychological scars deeper than physical abuse. Emotional abuse is when a child is isolated, rejected, criticized and terrorized by their “loved ones”, creating their self-esteem to break down. This also includes not creating a developmentally appropriate environment for the child as well as the child not having a primary “go to” figure to learn social and emotional skills.…
This prevention can include education and conversation with their children about safety, sexual education, and the dangers around circumstances which sex abuse might be most common to happen, depending on the age group. This research will also include the purpose of helping professionals to accommodate different cultural backgrounds through efforts of practice, by determining how individual parents and families work with their children to prevent sexual abuse and educate them about dangers regarding this topic. While the methods for carrying out this research will be mostly qualitative, there will be vital quantitative data accumulated to highlight statistics and percentages of parents and families who are making diligent efforts, and the numbers that reflect efforts to prevent sexual abuse for children. It is very important to find out how much education and awareness families have of the dangers and realities of children being exposed to sexual abuse, and take this information to enhance programs and forums to better suit the needs of families through education and…
This week stated off a little slow due to the snow we had on Monday. On Monday, February 15th. I observed my first urgent call from the abuse and neglect hotline. Mother stated that her four year old daughter was complaining of pain and soreness in her vaginal area after returning from her father house on Sunday@ 8:30pm. Mother state that she check inside the child diaper and it appeared to be red and swollen. The mother proceeded to take the child to the emergency room. At the emergency room they performed a SANE assessment (Sexual assault nurse exam). The detective is still waiting on the result. The DFS worked who was assigned to the case tried to make contact with the child’s mother for interviewing but has not received as call back.…
According to (2009) in US there were 3.6 million reports of child abuse connected to more than 6 million children. From those 3.6 million reported, a number of 690,000 kids have been found to be abuse victims. Of those abuse victims 78.3 percent suffered by…
Experts attribute to the recent increase in reporting that we need greater public awareness of child maltreatment, but societal groups don’t realize that this is a huge problem. There are several points of view on this certain type of issue, as some people think that it is absolutely right that a good portion of attention is being paid to children abuse and also to protect them from harm. However, others suggest that people focus more attention to other unimportant situations and they deny the fact that those certain situations contribute to the unbelievable behavior towards children.…
Are we doing enough to prevent child abuse? Is the government and social services doing the right things to prevent child abuse? Children are suffering from a national epidemic of child abuse and neglected. “According to a report in May 2010 from United States Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children & Families, approximately 772,000 children were found to be victim of child maltreatment in 2008; 71.1% suffered neglect; 16.1% were physically abused; 9.1% were sexually abused, and 7.3% were psychologically maltreated. These figures only represents reported cases of abuse literally thousands more go unreported each year.” (National Child Abuse Statistics) These statistics are too high and there need to be changes to overcome this problem. As a parent you are expected to take care of your children and treat them the right way. Sometimes this is not always the case and children end up being abused in their home were they are supposed to feel safe and love. Every day a child is abused and may lose his or her life. Prevention of abuse is the only way to stop innocent children from more dangerous and abusive maltreatments. In order to prevent child abuse we should be aware of the different kinds of abuse, ways social services can help, and how to prevent child maltreatment.…
Today was a long day. A very long day. I don't want to write this today. I have no urge to write it at all in fact I wish we had like a hall pass because I would totally use it right now. I woke up and edged. I rubbed my Masters pussy playing with my clit and rubbing my fingers on it. Kind of going in a circular motion for a few minutes until I was on the edge.…